英语填空(要填的词开头是a)We a______ with the taxi driver about the taxi fares yesterday.We were both satisfied.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:55:49

英语填空(要填的词开头是a)We a______ with the taxi driver about the taxi fares yesterday.We were both satisfied.
We a______ with the taxi driver about the taxi fares yesterday.We were both satisfied.

英语填空(要填的词开头是a)We a______ with the taxi driver about the taxi fares yesterday.We were both satisfied.
agree with 同意某人,因为后面一个句子说“我们都很满意”,因此不是“争论”,而是“同意彼此”

我的词汇量不够 但我觉得应该是 商讨或讨论



英语填空(要填的词开头是a)We a______ with the taxi driver about the taxi fares yesterday.We were both satisfied. 初二英语题填空题一枚:We won the football match _____ that team yesterday.空格中填以a开头的单词,马上要,谢谢 a开头首字母填空I am a__ that he is not here.如题I am a__ that he is not here.如果能加以解释就更感谢了最好能解释下that作引导词的用法 初一上英语完形填空My motheris a teacher .we t___ ,my sister ,my brother and I are in the same school.We 后面的单词应填什么?是t开头的,是整个句子通顺? 用适当的符号填空:a__{a} ; a__{a,b,c} ; d__{a,b,c} Kate is my sister.Jim is my brother.We are ()students.完形填空要a开头的词 初二缺词填空 Mary a____ wanted to be a singer .Music was the most i___ thing in her life 就是这篇要填的是a__ i__B__b__s__d__w__k__i__w__ we have different ( ) but we are friends填一个L开头的词是颜色单词, we start our classes at ------8:00.填单词,开头是a,初一的 Between two ciasses ,we have a ( ).填开头字母是b的单词 英语,首字母填空,We must speak Engsh as often as p______.He did very _______ in the math test.We should admire the b______ of a mother's love.第二题填的是(坏) The food in the hotel is a__?a是首字母,后面填什么? 问一题英语填空题as a ( ),she woks to serve reader括号里该填什么,L开头的单词 求英语缺词填空答案.I’m a thirteen-year-old boy from Thailand.I study at amiddle school.Every morning,before class,all the students are t__ and listen to the naition anthem.After that we s__ our prayers.A__ we begin to have classes.个人 这些空的单词怎么填,我是英语盲,1.We all know N{ } comes before December 2、He (write) a第二个是给了单词填空 填空 :We all like playing baseball.It is a (r )sport.让你填一个r打头的词 We hope _______ (find)a good place to visit.英语填空,We hope _______ (find)a good place to visit.是填find还是to find? 剑桥新理念英语完形填空(请看下面↓)This is a picture of my family.Look!The man is my father.And the woman is my mother.They are teachers.We are in the same school.Can you see the girl?It is my s___(填“s”开头的单词)she i