寻找一篇中英文对照的计算机类的文章 英文字符10000计算机英语 结业就靠他了 知道的或者有的发下 有相关的中英文对照的计算机类别的书籍上的也行

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:47:50

寻找一篇中英文对照的计算机类的文章 英文字符10000计算机英语 结业就靠他了 知道的或者有的发下 有相关的中英文对照的计算机类别的书籍上的也行
寻找一篇中英文对照的计算机类的文章 英文字符10000
计算机英语 结业就靠他了 知道的或者有的发下 有相关的中英文对照的计算机类别的书籍上的也行

寻找一篇中英文对照的计算机类的文章 英文字符10000计算机英语 结业就靠他了 知道的或者有的发下 有相关的中英文对照的计算机类别的书籍上的也行

Softswitches Enable Voice/IP Services这篇可以参考,后面有中文意思:)~
Softswitch requirements
Next-generation switches must support voice services—not only for IP-and ATM-based networks but also for the tim...


Softswitches Enable Voice/IP Services这篇可以参考,后面有中文意思:)~
Softswitch requirements
Next-generation switches must support voice services—not only for IP-and ATM-based networks but also for the time-division multiplexer (TDM)-based PSTN. In addition to call control and resource management, there are other requirements of softswitches and next-generation switches:
Media independence—Softswitches must be agnostic in regards to the network (such as ATM, IP and TDM).
Interoperability—Softswitches must work with other softswitches and media gateways from multiple vendors.
Reliability—Softswitches must be reliable to carrier standards.
Support for multiple signaling and control protocols—Softswitches must support emerging and established standards.
Scalability—Softswitches must meet carrier network requirements, supporting thousands of call attempts, also known as Busy Hour Call Attempts and simultaneous calls.
Open application interfaces—Softswitches must support third-party software applications and services.
Softswitch architecture provides two major advantages over current PSTN switch technologies. The first is openness between subelements of a next-generation switch. This openness promotes the ability to mix best-of-breed components, which gives service providers greater flexibility and a clear growth path. A service provider can buy a media gateway from Vendor A, a softswitch/media gateway controller from Vendor B, a signaling gateway from Vendor C and an application server from Vendor D.
The second major advantage of softswitches is that they give service providers added flexibility in providing new services. A service provider could develop telephony services that could be implemented on the application server. They do not have to depend solely on a switch provider for a critical service, as is the case with traditional PSTN switches.


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