
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:22:33


We are doing a survey on civilization on this holidays.Civilization is our Chinese traditional virtue,while there are still many uncivilized phenomenon in existence.Therefore,our members are making a great effort to do this survey to awaken their awareness of getting civilized.

We are gonna make a report during this vacation on civilization which is the traditional morality of we Chinese People.
But we also have found some not so civilized situations right in China. So, as a matter of fact, we want everyone getting moved.
Our crew is doing this report together now.

During the vacation, we are doing a investigation about civilization .Being civilized is our Chinese's traditional virtue. Many uncivilized behaviors, however, are currently existing in our society. T...


During the vacation, we are doing a investigation about civilization .Being civilized is our Chinese's traditional virtue. Many uncivilized behaviors, however, are currently existing in our society. Therefore our purpose is to spread the spirit of civilization. Our group members are collaborating and trying our best on this investigation.


We are going to make a report during this vacation on civilization which is a traditional morality of we Chinese People.
But we found that there are still many uncivilized situations in China, therefore we want everyone to be more civilized.
Our team is making concerted efforts on this report now.

During the holiday we'll do a research about civilzation.Although the moral civilization is Chinese nation's traditional moral goodness nowadays a lot of uncivilized behaviours is still existing, in this case we hope everybody can be more civilized. Our crews are working hard together for this report now.

英语翻译在假期里我们要做一份有关文明的调查报告.文明是我们中华民族的传统美德,可我们现在的中国却存在许多不文明现象,所以我们想让大家都文明起来.我们的组员正在齐心协力的做这 英语翻译①她是在做兼职做业余走秀吗.②在我们春节的那段假期里,你们要上来上班吗,有些什么打算. 在假期的前两个星期里,英语翻译. 有关假期的英语单词比如假期里的事物 求一份假期打工的感想或者总结!我们假期要求每个人出去打工,但是因为我家里的缘故,我不能出去打工,所以在这里求几篇,字数在一千字左右的文章拿来做枪手!在这里先谢谢了~我要一个弄现 我在假期里写作业!英语翻译 假期里做一件与数学有关的、有意义的事.15字.亲们, 英语翻译:我们做一份苹果奶昔吧. 在国庆假期我们国家出现了什么有关地球的现象全英文 要做一份关于安全文明的手抄报,选什么样的内容素描纸上. 英语翻译1,林涛明年就十四岁了2,玛丽在教室里做什么?3,你什么时候去买手机?4,李平不是在读书,他在写信呢.5,这个假期你要做什么?6,下个月,我们一周要上四节美术课.7,听,吉姆正在教室里唱歌 四大文明的古国文明起源都和 有关,我们称之为 文明.和 有关,称之为 文明,这么个范围 英语翻译短文内容如下:很快就到了国庆节,大家又可以放松一下了,在假期,我们可以做我们想做的事情,例如,玩电脑,做运动,但是,在轻松的假期生活中,我们也不能够忘记学习,我们应该做些阅 车让人,让出一份安全;车让车,让上一份秩序;人让车,让出一份文明;人让人,让出一份友爱.在现实生活中,“让”随处可见.在家庭中,让出滚滚亲情;在校园里,让出深深的友谊;在社会上,让 求一份 争做文明使者 共创文明城区 的书信 英语翻译随着暑假的临近,在我的假期计划里,我会做我想做的事情.就是我会和我的家人去海南旅行,而且会呆在那里一个星期.将是会是一个美好的暑假,因为那里是一个旅游胜地.我们将是乘飞 在假期里我们过得很快乐用英语怎么说 英语翻译英语翻译:我们将确保你在假期里能住在一套带有游泳池的别墅里.we will ____ _____ that you live in a villa which ______ with its own swimming pool.