It is suggested that we ____ to the park later.A.will goB.wentC.goD.has gone

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:31:13

It is suggested that we ____ to the park later.A.will goB.wentC.goD.has gone
It is suggested that we ____ to the park later.A.will goB.wentC.goD.has gone

It is suggested that we ____ to the park later.A.will goB.wentC.goD.has gone
有关suggect 的主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,做“建义”的意思时,从句用 主语 + (should)+do的形式,should可以省略.
注意:当suggect 做“表明”的意思讲时是宾语从句,根据前后时态一致就可以了.

这里选用 C. go
A. Will Go 的意思是将要去
B. Went 的意思是去过了
C. Go 去
D. Has Gone 也是去过了 不同时态
原句翻译 建议我们晚一点___公园 (所以填空 Go 去)

it is suggested that +主语+(should )do sth

They suggested that factory (should) make full use of the equipment.

在It is suggested/ ordered/ requested/ insisted…+ that从句中, 从句中 从句 谓语部分用“ 谓语部分用“should+动词原形”, +动词原形” should常被省略

C. go

看到suggest 就要判断一下意思
suggest 有两个意思,建议和暗示
当建议讲时,要用成虚拟语气,即suggest 后面的从句用成should do(should 可以省略)
题目中suggest 就是建议的意思,所以选动词时选should go 或 go(should 已省略)


看到suggest 就要判断一下意思
suggest 有两个意思,建议和暗示
当建议讲时,要用成虚拟语气,即suggest 后面的从句用成should do(should 可以省略)
题目中suggest 就是建议的意思,所以选动词时选should go 或 go(should 已省略)


it is suggested..这里suggested是什么词性? it is suggested that the disussion is put of till next week 改错 英语翻译It is suggested that the air conditioner should be installed next to the window. Who is it that suggested Tom_____(take) up the job of a salesman It is suggested that medicine should be kept b___ the reach of the children 单句改错 It is suggested that the experiment will be made under low temperature It is suggested that the project _______ (carry ) out by the end of this year It is suggested that the work should be done with great care.分析一下句子结构 it is suggested that i shuold exercise every day.改成to不定式的句型 It is suggested that a lawyer ___at sent sent forC.send forD.sent for It is suggested that we ____ to the park later.A.will goB.wentC.goD.has gone 怎样填?It is suggested that the question---------(decide) at once.用所给动词的正确形式填空. It is suggested that在科技文献中怎么翻译好?作者大概是个什么语气或者态度? It has been suggested that the inablity to recognise,.It has been suggested that the inablity to recognise,evaluate and correctly incorporate risk is one of the fundamental causes of the current systemic financial crisis.Explain with reasons whether it was suggested that the trip was postponed.找下句中错误 It is suggested that every citizen_____a newIt is suggested that every citizen_____a new habit and _____ civil to greet the 29th Olympics to be held in Beijing on August 8,2008.A.will practise;is B.practise;beIt is suggested that sb.should do sth 和 is suggested ,decided that/to do?问题是长了点,但是很浅白,麻烦耐心看完.我们知道it is decided,suggested that这类句型,但是(问题1)有没it is suggested ,decided to do sth 这类句型呢?(问题2),在书中见到一句 What I suggested is that +sb+(should)do是什么意思?