在英文中为什么要用动名词形式啊?比如这句Reading French is easier than speaking it.阅读法文比讲法语容易.为什么非要把好好的动词名词化?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:32:46

在英文中为什么要用动名词形式啊?比如这句Reading French is easier than speaking it.阅读法文比讲法语容易.为什么非要把好好的动词名词化?
比如这句Reading French is easier than speaking it.阅读法文比讲法语容易.为什么非要把好好的动词名词化?

在英文中为什么要用动名词形式啊?比如这句Reading French is easier than speaking it.阅读法文比讲法语容易.为什么非要把好好的动词名词化?
I would appreciate your keeping it a secret.若你能保守秘密我将很感激.
2)动词短语:can't help,can't stand,couldn't resist,give up,go on,keep on,put off,succeed in,insist on,yield to,confess to,be accustomed to,be(get) used to,oppose to,look forward to,devote...to...,object to,contribute to等.例如:
I can't stand waiting any longer.我再也不能等下去了.
动名词还用在下列固定搭配中,如:be busy doing sth.,be worth doing sth.,burst out crying/laughing,have trouble/difficulty doing sth.(但注意区别to take trouble to do sth.),cannot help doing sth.,have a time doing sth.(费很大力气做.但注意区别to have time to do sth.有时间做.),have a bad/hard time doing sth.(做.不愉快),have a good/pleasant time doing sth.(做.很愉快),spend/waste time(money) doing sth.,be no/any/some use(good)doing sth.等.如:
Alice was having trouble controlling the children because there were so many of them.艾丽斯很难管住这些孩子,因为孩子太多了.
这些动词和动词短语有:attempt,begin,cease,continue,intend,prefer,propose,start,hate,like,dislike,love,go on,quit,endure,forget,remember,neglect,demand,need,require,want,try,mean,chance,regret,can't bear等.
I don't like to hear people talking like that.我不喜欢听人这么谈话.
I like traveling very much.我很喜欢旅行.
Suddenly it began to rain.突然下起雨来.
He began talking about his plan for the summer holiday.他开始讲述他的暑假计划.
The tools need repairing.=The tools need to be repaired.这工具需要修理.
He needs to see the doctor.他需要看医生.
John forgot to tell Mary about it.约翰忘了告诉玛丽那件事.
John forgot telling Mary about it.约翰忘记了告诉过玛丽那件事.
5)stop接动名词表示停止正在做的事,接不定式表示停下某事去做别的事.类似的还有go on,quit.试比较:
I really must stop smoking.我一定得戒烟.
Every half hour I stop work to smoke a cigarette.我每半小时停下工作来抽支烟.
Please try to understand.请设法弄懂.
Please try using another method.请试用另一种办法.

在英文中为什么要用动名词形式啊?比如这句Reading French is easier than speaking it.阅读法文比讲法语容易.为什么非要把好好的动词名词化? 请问这句英语里的 visiting是动名词形式吗,这里为什么要用动名词形式?There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it? 比如这句Reading French is easier than speaking it.为什么非要把好好的动词名词化?为什么不能用Read?关于动名词的语法一点也看不进,因为老想“为什么要用动名词”这问题,头大啊, 为什么服装店的英语翻译要用动名词形式 关于动名词的用法Why don't you having some fish and eggs?在这句话中为什么用动名词having在什么时候用动名词?what about you having some fish 在这句话中为什么用动名词having 一个关于句子中动名词的疑问~The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C.请问这句话中的date from为什么要用动名词形式~ Some sdvertising can be confusing or mislead.本句为什么用动名词形式? 否定句中动名词形式应去掉ING吗? 这是动名词做同位语吗?I sit down quietly,listening to the music.listening为什么要用动名词形式? 英语动词ing形式,动名词在句中的用法不太明白The Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,adding that he had enjoyed his stay here.逗号后面为什么要用动名词形式adding ,是什么语法现象,应该如何解释.ad nice meeting you 英语基础的问题nice meeting you 这里的meeting是用的动名词还是现在分词形式呢?如果是现在分词形式那是省略 i 如果是动名词 那这里为什么要用动名词形式呢?还有一句 nice pumping int 请问 Thank you for telling me.中tell为什么用动名词形式? 【英语语法求助】下面这句英文,deliver为什么要用动名词形式,教教我,AFP will send a team of about 200 sports writers,photographers and video journalists to the London Olympics,delivering up to 4,000 still photos to its clients 介词后面要接动名词,可是这句为什么要用不定式? 分词与动名词有啥区别?都是ing形式,我只知道他们在句中充当的成分不同? 1.to在什么时候是介词?什么时候是不定式?不是要问当是介词时就要加动名词 而是怎么知道就要填动名词2.例如“I have been to facing death句中的facing为什么要用ing形式?3.如果是填空题,要在to 英语语法(口语吧应该是) 求详解Seems like it was just yesterday!这句不是祈使句吧 但开头的动词为什么不变成动名词形式啊? 英语语法(口语吧应该是) 求详解Seems like it was just yesterday!这句不是祈使句吧 但开头的动词为什么不变成动名词形式啊?