the Ming Tombs(明十三陵)是短语还是单词?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:20:24

the Ming Tombs(明十三陵)是短语还是单词?
the Ming Tombs(明十三陵)是短语还是单词?

the Ming Tombs(明十三陵)是短语还是单词?

是短语 加上连字符就是一个单词啦

the Ming Tombs(明十三陵)是短语还是单词? at还是in the ming tombs 哪位会注音标.急.十三陵The Ming Tombs 雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery 中华世纪坦China Century Altar 秦始皇陵The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb 天安门广场Tian'anmen Square 华表Ornamental Pillars 人民英雄纪念碑The Monument to the The Ming Tombs are for the( )emperors.只填一词. we went to the ming tombs yesterday改为一般疑问句 the ming tombs 怎么读实在是不会读 yesterday they went to the ming tombs.的意思是什么 关于游览十三陵的英语作文 不要这个The Tombs spread over of 40square kilmeters .the stone Arch marks Is the Great wall far( )here .No.It's to the( )of Beijing.The Ming Tombs are( )to the north of Beijing. 英语翻译用中文翻译英语3条问题通知一年级和二年级学生将于10月25日星期三去秋游.上午我们先去长城并在那儿吃午饭.正午我们去参观十三陵(the Ming Tombs)请自带午饭和饮料.穿运动鞋,因为我 siling is in the west part of the ming tombs.part of 帮我一下Darren went to the Ming Tombs in the e----- morning . There are lots of stone a( )in the Ming tombs怎么填 Most of the Ming tombs ____south.(face)是要用原型还是过去式啊? We are going to visit the Ming Dynasty Tombs this afternoon.(同义句) recogintion and funds to protecting the Ming and Qing Tombs.这个protecting 用的对么? Yesterday they went to the Ming Tombs.they saw____.选:A animals或B stones或C stone animals 急需新标准小学英语课本第三册Module 7 we are going to visit the Ming Tombs的优秀教案