
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:45:16
_____his leg wounded accidentally,he still came to the meeting on time.A.In spite of B.Because of C.But for D.Due to 描写雪的片段,400字左右,今天就要哦,语文好的大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙吧,不要复制的 He came to the meeting though he was ill.(改为同义句)He came to the meeting --- ---- ----his illness. he came to thr metting though he was ill he came to school as u_____ though he was badly ill.he was really an _____ student. The teacher speaks___(slow) and___(careful).用括号里的词语的适当形式填空、、、 你能否写一首小诗来表达你对祖国母亲的热爱之情? 根据首字母和句子的意思拼写单词 The teacher stands b_____ his students and speaks to them Li Lei did well in the exam and his teacher spoke __of him.A.loudly B.highly C.slowly D.carefully The teacher这句错了吗? 衣着暴露用英语怎么说? 暴露在太阳下用英文怎么翻译 heip……to与help……with的区别? 葡萄牙语难学吗?它与英语有什么共同之处? 英语翻译急_------------急_-------------急_--------------- "走光"用纯正的英语怎么说 business office是什么意思 用谚语和俗语翻译下列英语1 .don't let yesterday use up too much of today2.he who would do great things should not attempt them all alone 在著名的英文演讲稿“If I were a boy again”中,为什么用“were”代替了正常情况下应该用的“was”? 某明星走光的"走光"用英语怎么说? address of principal business office是什么意思 暴露 用英语怎么说 上标是什么意思 the above mentioned are not best and only measures 后面是加we can take 还是can we take 您能把中文翻译成乱码吗? 锤子的寓意情侣手链上男款女款一大一小锤子 英语翻译2\x06s噔橧氂w?袂:s\x0bg\x1e宣麷bf 把正常汉字翻译成乱码怎么翻译? 锤子手机什么意思? listen to this中级相当于英语几级听力? listen to this 中级 英语翻译要不可以告诉我魔龙之眼中文版怎么修改