
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:25:09
he would like ( )《go》 to school early and to ( )《come》back home on time. 14.I'd like to rent a house:modern,comfortable and ( ) in a quiet environment.(本题分数:2 分.14.I'd like to rent a house:modern,comfortable and ( ) in a quiet environment.(本题分数:2 分.) A、 all in all B、 after all C、 first of all I miss you lia赤之约定 ED i miss you 歌词高潮部分的i miss you 翻译成中文是 我失去你 还是 我想念你 ?求解啊 有首dj里面歌词是miss u bady i miss u everytime谁有连接或者歌名谢谢! I found it hard to get used to the way they talked so much ...I found it hard to get used to the way they talked so much about themselves.这里的way和后面的"they talked so much about themselves"是什么关系.本人觉得像同位关系,我 关于MUCH和MORE的Sixty percent of all Chinese are farmers and they are ____ than people who live in the cities.A.much poorer B.more poorer C.very poor.为什么是A.我选的B.告诉我下选这个的原因和MUCH MORE的区别more是用来修饰 APN是什么? ZYR 的 Miss You ..要Mp3的地址.放空间的呢. 谁有Thomas Anders-I Miss You这首歌mp3连接?放空间里的 、、 北京 2011年公共英语三级补报,27号 就结束了 , What can you do if you decide that what do you decide有没有错误? Do you ( r ) the actor ,the funny man in the movie "If you are th e only one" I'd like to buy a house——modern,comfortable ,and _in a quiet neighborhood.Ain all Babove all Cafter all Dat all Let's have a picnic today!"是什么意思? 形容词,副词,动词,代词之间的修饰关系我想问一下,形容词,代词,动词,副词,那些词可以休息那些词,也就是说写作和说的时候 动词前面要用什么词,形容词前面用什么词,副词后面跟什么词,代词 位于副词之后 名词或代词之前的一定是形容词? 兄弟,姐对不起用 英语怎么说啊? 英文人名为什么要写Mary Green而不是GreenMary 连词成句 floor,green,painted,mary,the如、题 I help mum with the h(填空) I ofter help my mum with the cleaningcleaning为什么要加-ing呢! that you will love me anyway这里的that表什么? 英语翻译原英文歌词如下,望能翻译的略微有点文采,直接查字典我会.If life is a river and your heart is a boatAnd just like a water baby,baby born to floatAnd if life is a wild wind that blows way on highThen your heart is Amel 英语单选:The little girl knows on;y _____ English,but she can sing _____ English songs.A little;fewB few;littleC a little; a fewD a little;few I come from to China 是什么意思 英语单选:The little girl knows only _____ English,but she can sing _____ English songs.A little;f英语单选:The little girl knows on;y _____ English,but she can sing _____ English songs.A little;fewB few;littleC a little; a fewD a little;fe 新概念英语二31课倒数第三句是frank smiled when he...倒数第二句是he was still smiling when the…为什么之前的一句用的是一般过去时,后一句却是过去进行时,不是都有个when吗? Green是名字还是姓氏 l ____(just inform)that the meeting will be put off how doyou come to YOU're MY One And Only