
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:43:07
分析图10,此地属于( )气候类型,分布在图9中( ).[填C、D或E点] They often find themselves outcasts on the playground.他们经常发现自己被冷落在操场上.这里outcasts是做名词吧,否则也不会用复数.可是有这种用法吗?find sb.sb. Instead of()for the teacher to explain,they tried to find the patterns and the rules for themselves I find it quite impossible to between Jean and Mary,they are so alike.A.separate B.divide C.distinguish D.contrast they say you must let children learn and find the answer () themselvesto in at for 哪一个 一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的高相等,它们的底面直径之比是4:3,它们的体积之比是( ) 一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体底面直径相等高是5;6它们的体积是多少? 一道题正弦定理的题求解 What language do you____?A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell Let us [ ] welcome to them A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk What did Millie ___ to Kitty?A say B speak C tell D talk 选哪个 以及为什么, What do I _today?A:tell B:speak C:say D:talk 应该选择哪一个? 已知函数f(x)=cos2x+asinx-2a-2若对任意x属于R都有-5≤f(x)≤-1成立求实数a的取值已知函数f(x)=cos2x+asinx-2a-2,若对任意x属于R都有-5≤f(x)≤-1成立求实数a的取值范围 △ABC中,∠ACB=2∠B,AD平分∠A,∠BAD=∠DAC,求证AB=AC+CD what do you think of them what do you think of them 同义句( )do you( )them没空一词还有一个,我对喜剧感兴趣I ()()comedies Do you like Hunan TV shows?What do you think of them?的中文,是中文了,快, what do you think?能不能改称what do you think of them\it? 已知函数f(x)定义在[-1,1],且满足① f(1)=1;②f(-x)=-f(x);③m,n∈[-1,1],m+n不等于0,有[f(m)+f(n)]/(m+n)>0. 请解不等式f(x+0.5) 用i v r e r组成单词 r,r,v,e,a,i能组成哪个单词? 求下列函数的单调区间y=sin(x+π/3) y=cos2x. 函数y=cos2x在下列哪个区间上是增函数 已知:BE是△ABC的角平分线,AD垂直于BE,求证:角BAD=角DAC+角C 如图,BE平分∠ABC,AD⊥BE,求证:∠BAD=∠DAC+∠C 概率论~ 函数y=sin2x和y=cos2x在(π/2,π)上哪一个为减函数请说明过程 继续. 函数y=cos2x的递减区间可以是 函数y=log以三分之一为底(sin2x-cos2x)的单减区间. 概率论问题,如图 求函数Y=COS2X的单调区间