
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:43:55
is that it 是什么句式 英语版演讲稿热爱伟大祖国建设美好家园 有没有热爱读书的演讲稿? 一篇“珍爱生命热爱运动演讲稿”450到550字 好听一点的狗狗的英文名字 英语演讲稿 3分钟 以运动健康快乐 为题 求主题为“生命 健康与运动”约一分钟的英语演讲稿水平大概是初二的,限时一天,如果答得好, 把一根长60厘米的铁丝做成一个正方体框架,在框架周围粘上彩纸,贴的彩纸的面积至少是()平方厘米 做一个正方体的框架需要48分米长的铁丝(接头处不计).在这个正方体的表面糊一层彩纸,需要多大面积的彩纸? I know China and India are the countries with a population of more than one billion.的意思 in 1990,the population r more than five billionr 开头的是什么单词 The population of China is more than 1.3 billion by now.应该是正确的.您说呢?The population of China has been more than 1.3 billion by now.大家都知道是正确的.上一句也应该正确吧? 求翻译,I want to see more of china 如何翻译“Bollywood:the Hollywood of India”英语文章 英语翻译请给我歌词的翻译, For the first time in ten years 如何翻译 when was the last time you did something for the first time中文翻译 用一根长2.4米得铁丝,焊接一个正方体框架.在这个正方体框架的表面糊上彩纸,至少要用彩纸多少平方米? 用一根2.4米得铁丝,焊接陈一个正方体框架.在这个正方体框架的表面糊上彩纸,至少要用彩纸多少平方米.今晚就要,在这说声谢谢 The population of this city is more than ( )of that city.A.it B.this c.them D.that 1.More than 40 percent of the population in that city ___ workers.A.is B.are C.has D.work as 改错 1 Shanghai is the biggest city ,that has a population of more than ten million2As you know it,the earth goes around the sun3this is the boy his handwriting is the best in our class The population of this city is (about 6 million).(对括号内部分提问) _______ the _____ of this city? 英语翻译The population of our city is________,which is ________ than that of shanghai 谁有for the first time in forever (reprise)的伴奏吗?注意是reprise! 用一根长132cm的铁丝做一个正方体框架,把每个面都贴上彩纸,做一个盒子.至少需要多少平方厘米的彩纸?这 冰雪奇缘里面的 for the first time in forever 的中文版叫什么? 用一根长36米的铁丝,焊接一个正方体框架(1)在这个正方体的表面糊上彩纸,至少要用彩纸多少平方米? 冰雪奇缘的插曲for the first time in forever的中英歌词 印度人口将超过中国可不可以说the population of India will go beyond that of China 用一条长36米的铁丝焊接一个正方形框架. 1.在这个正方体的表面糊上彩纸至少要用多少平方米?2.这个正方体纸盒体积是多少? 中国比印度的人口多 翻译 The population in China ( ) ( ) than ( ) in India