
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:37:04
若a>0,b>0,且a²+(1/4)b²=1,则a√(1+b²)的最大值是多少 已知a-b=1 a²+b²=4 求(a+b)² 用 loved 还是 loving lovesOn Thanksgiving Day They also give thanks to their ____ ones and play gamesA loving B loved C loves there()great changes in Jiangsu how were you yesterday是什么意思? 若(a+b)²-4(a+b-1)=9,则a与b的关系 how ( ) you yesterday?a.were b.are c.was 已知(a²+b²+1)²=4,则a²+b²等于多少 How were you at yesterday's party? enjoyed enjoy enjoyingI ( ) myselfenjoyed enjoy enjoying Baby,plase don't give up,anything will well ,I can't lose you.Rain,out of the window,will sunny,as we,will happiness.plase let we make that change well . Love loves love的中文翻译 请问英文单词love前面如果是he,那么,love要不要改成loves? well,i will give you one last chance I fell in love with someone the man loves me怎么翻译?in love 为什么要加IN? 1.where are you going tomorrow?2.ls there a shoe store near here?(不)看问题补充还有.3.where do you come from?4.ls the hospital north of your school?(不)5.Are you in Grade Six?6.Can you go to Beijing by train?7.Ls your father a doctor? 过点(0,-1)且被两条平行直线2x+y-6=0和4x+2y-5=0截得长为7/2的线段的直线l的方程不要光光一个答案需要这类题目的解题套路 求过点﹙0,-1﹚且被两条平行直线2x+y-6=0和4x+2y-5=0截得长为7/2的线段的直线l的方程.我用弦长公式带入得到k=-3/4 为啥呀.答案k=-1/4是为什么额 - -求详解 计算的过程. 求过点(0,-1)且被两条平行直线2x+y-6=0和4x+2y-5=0截得长为7/2的线段的直线L方程.求详解.平行直线在坐标轴上的截距差?怎么求? Stick to the end and you will make it.怎么翻译. 求 tell me tell me 能用的空间链接 Let me tell you a story 怎么读 若等腰三角形的两变长分别为3cm和8cm,则它的周长是多少 解方程 1X2分之X+2X3分之X+3X4分之X+.+2003X2004分之X=2003 (我数学不好,救命啊,有悬赏的) tell的e读什么音 the man knocked l_ at the door now. The last man stayed at his house,a person knocked at his door.有什么深意 为什么定积分算出来不用加常数就比如算个函数的面积,常数为什么必须得=0 为什么不能加个C什么的。 例一第一小题 为什么定积分的值是一个常数? 定积分如果存在,则其结果是一个确定的常数,这句话对吗?求思路. 解log a 2(a为底数)>2,a的范围 积分限为常数的定积分求导就是这种形式的,思路是什么?题目是这样的 七年级科学第二单元试卷