
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:36:04
如图,在三角ABC中,AD平分角BAC,DE垂直AB于E点,DF垂直AC于F点,AB=10,AC=8,三角形ABC的面积为36,则DE的长为 请帮忙讲解几道英语被动语态的习题Great changes___ in the past ten years in China.A.took place B.have taken place C.were taking place D.had taken placeYou can't use the computer,it____.A.was broken down B.is wrong C.is bad D.has broken 1、 Children _____________(not allow) to play frightening games.2、At last the two pictures ___(hang) side by side.3、All the building ___(turn) into hospitals recently.4、The vegetables _______________(plant) in the fields next week.5、The sold 求这道英语被动语态习题讲解?we could ask someone to do the work privately without it _____.A.be known B.being known C.to be known为什么? 【英语】被动语态题.1.The bowls _haven't been cleaned_ by Bill yet.2.A historical story _________ by Mrs Keeler yesterday afternoon.A.is told usB.was told usC.is told to usD.was told to us其实也就是求为什么要填(选)这个答案 1.I would have been glad to attend his birthday party,but____.A.I'm not invited B.I have not been invited C.I was not invited D.I had not been invited2.Thousands of people took part in the work when Tian'anmen Square_____.A.would be built B.was build 如图,已知:AD是三角形ABC的中线,三角形ABC的面积为60cm²,求三角形ABD的面积 13.57.32°=几度几分几秒 用因式分解法算,x²-2√3x=0 如图,∠ACB=90°,E,F为AB上的点,AE=AC,BC=BF,求∠ECF的度数 EF是直角△ABC斜边AB上的两点 AE=AC BF=BC 则∠ECF的度数是多少描述下图∠C为直角 AB为斜边 ∠B在左下角 ∠C在右下角 ∠A右上角 Rt三角形ABC中,AC=BC,在AB边上有E`F两点使∠ECF=45度,证AE^+BF^=EF^ 度、分、秒的转换33°15′24〃= °21°33′15〃= ° 怎么简算775/25*32775÷25×32149+37×23169+259+135243-(43+62)能简算的简算775÷25×32149+37×23169+259+135243-(43+62)能简算的简算 几道不懂的英语题1.He came here_____to see you,_____after he heard that you retumed from abroad.A.speially especially.B.specilly,mainlyc.especially speciallyD.specially,generally这道题目的中文意思是什么?为什么选A呢?2.I do ___p 在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=AE 、BC=BF,则∠ECF= 一道小学数学题(填空的)A的4/5相当于B的3/7,那么A:B=():() 小学数学,填空第1小题 1道小学数学题(填空)()个5分之1是最小的质数 请填空 1 8 27 ( )( ) 看不懂英语题目,谁能帮我一下.Tell what figures of speech are used in the following sentences.例子:We can hear the birds singing the forest.Revise the following sentences ,paying attention to unity and coherence例子:Although only a They t _____ horses for a face.Will you s_____ me your bicycle?China is a ______(peace)countryWhen the teacher came in ,the students continued _____(make)a lot noise As he took out his keys,the sound in the room (__)A,die B.diminished可是我始终觉得怪怪的!不好意思~我错了!题目上是应该为died的! 单项选择1.One of the ___ dancing in the room A.girl is B.girls are C.girl are D.girls is2.Who often ___ Grandma Li --- Li Lei ____A.hepl does B.help do C.helps does D.helps doIII用所给词适当形式填空1.Here ____ (be) some milk for you 2.W 看不懂的的英语题she'd like to ______ a cup of office答案是用have 可是主语不是she么?那么原型因该用has才对啊? x^2-4x+4=(2-3x)^2用因式分解法怎么解决 计算下列各题,能简算要简算(脱式计算)(1)7/8-5/6*9/10 (2)3/4÷(1-1/2-3/8) (3) 2-8/9*2/7*3/8 (4) 7/15÷[1-(4/5-2/3)] (5) 1/4+(5/8-3/10)*1/13 脱式计算下列各题.(能简算的要简算)8.72*45.8/8.72/45.8*8.721.1//0.38-*1999 计算下面各题 脱式计算 (能简算的要简算)一,7分之1-7分之3÷4二,12分之5÷8分之9×5分之3三,2又9分之2÷1又8分之3-9分之2×11分之8四,15-(12分之1+16分之1)×48五,30%[(4分之3-2分之1)×5分之4]六,(2分之9-3 用9千克花生可以榨3.4千克花生油,平均每千克花生可榨()千克花生油,如想榨20千克花生油,需要花生()千克. 小学数学填空.(帮助)一环形钢管,环宽2cm,内圆直径8cm,长120cm,体积是( )平方厘米.最好有解题思路,谢谢 填空,再线等