
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:01:50
you may take_______________(要多少就多少)英语翻译 格列佛游记的读书笔记 是读书笔记不是读后感 随便多少字! 拜托了! 初三英语一点不会怎么补555大哥大姐 小弟真的哭死了。。我初三三年没学一点英语 毕业了 英语考了20多分 然后我重上的初三(费了好大的力气)我现在压力好大。。不想让家长失望。。 After the earthquake,japan has received lots of money and daily necessities.=lots of money and daily necessities have ____ ____away to japan after the earthquake.3q 知道的来回答下1.Many people don't knowhow to keep healthy.(变为同义句)Many people don't know______ _______ ________keep healthy.2.Nancy had some problems learning English grammar.(变为同义句)Nancy______ _______ ________learning Engli The old man said the accident careless driving ,so the driver the money for the repairsA owing to owed him to B was owing to owed himC caused by owed to him D was caused by owing him 选择,将字母代号填到括号里.1(13分) () The boy often plays violin after school.A.a B.the C.不填 2(13分) () Yesterday XiaoMing practised Kungfu at the park.A.不填 B.the C.a 3(12分) () The students were back school after a 表音文字 拼音文字 表意文字三种有什么区别? 表意文字与表音文字的优劣? 求助!表音文字和表意文字的划分标准是什么? 布鲁诺面对死亡,仍然坚持自己的日心说.你认为值得吗?请谈谈你的看法. “日心说”是布鲁诺提出的吗? 布鲁诺真的是为日心说烧死的吗?我只想知道事实,请不要复制一大段给我 布鲁诺是怎么知道“日心说”的? some teenagers think that _______(be)athletes will make them famous 怎样填 if the owner tells them some happy things,they will be happy and j______ happily. 语言学表音文字和表意文字哪个好 布鲁诺既然为真理而死 为什么不为真理而活! 为坚持真理而付出巨大代价的人 有哪些为了坚持真理而付出巨大代价的人. 科学家布鲁诺的资料 Some questiones!Help!Help!(初一以上者come on!)1.Before you take the medicine,you must read the i_______ on the bottle.2.It is n_____ for you to take the medicine on time.3.We should speak to the old p______.4.Please read the article ________(two 布鲁诺是怎样死的?用简练的语言概括,不要太长 韩语是表音文字(像英语一样,根据拼写发音)还是表意文字? 电影 布鲁诺 简介有谁知道,太无厘头了,我看不懂 中国是表意文字,英语是什么文字 短文围绕()这句话写的.“才一会儿工夫”和“不一会儿”都表示().从这两个词语中,能看出森林老人(森林里经常活动着一些有经验、有办法的人.他们能够( 辨)别各种树木的特性.什 you your me mascot show can?连词成句 drive 例句是【it's really easy.Just drive down freeway 3 】给的译文是“向南开到3号高速公路”我的问题是drive down有向南开的意思吗?这句话是不是应该翻译成“沿着3号高速公路行驶” 2011年元旦晚会作文400字 谁有关于元旦晚会的作文啊?600字左右.急,十万火急!写得好的加赏,写的不好的我也不追究.