
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:01:57
生命如歌,每一份爱就是一个音符,生命因爱而动听仿写句子生命如( ),( ),( )生命如( ),( ),( )注意:字数一样,句子优美 my work is very dangerous.对dangerous提问.(提供词:How) 仿写:生命如歌,每一份爱就是一个音符,生命因爱而动听;生命如画,( );生命如虹,( )要求句式工整,语言优美, go and get some food中文意思是什么? go get some new thread from rafale's clothes shop 求翻译 看报纸 是read a newspaper 为什么看电视就不能说成 watch a tv呢climb the tree 这回怎么又用 the tree 了呢 early是副词?是不是跟在动词后面?如gets up? Tom's father hasn't got a doughter的完全形式怎么写 Please don't play basketball here,will you?(改为同义句) will you please not play basketball here?改为同义句 Don't play _______ basketball here.It's dangerous.A:a B:an C:the D:/ ok keep some distance In this morning,father goes to work by bus.(改错) gets,in,she,morning,never,up,the,late come to she never ____(get)up late would you mind_hereA.I smoke B.me to smoke C.my smoking D.I smoking 怎么在大学宿舍里推销英语报纸? 如何向大一新生推销英语报纸? 推销英语报纸怎么说 怎么在校园销售英语报纸的经验方法 . Would you mind if I sit here? ___________.It's for Miss Zhang.A.Better notB.Never mindC.Not at allD.Of course not would you mind if i sit here?,一.否定回答 二肯定回答 怎么讲呢? Would you mind _______ ________ here?(not,sit) would you mind ____(I)____(sit) here would you mind not laughing at other?(同义句两个) 网络能不能代替老师(辩论)我们是反方:网络不能取代老师.要具体点,最好杀的正方片甲不留. 网络教师不能取代班级教师的辩论辩词 say something about your English class,用英语写一篇作文,说说你的英语课 Say something about your subject 英语作文怎么写呢 ?速回答,加悬赏! 72 bridge street. work ____ Bridge Street He gets up early so that he can catch the early bus.(同义句转换) He gets up early ___ ___ ___He gets up early so that he can catch the early bus.(同义句转换)He gets up early ___ ___ ___ catch the early bus