
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:16:27
利用一元一次方程求在三时和四时之间的哪个时刻,钟的时针与分针重合?提示:分针转动的速度是时针的12倍,3:00分针与时针成直角急! 英语翻译 13cm*21.5cm是多大的纸比如A4、B5之类的 ,怎么称呼? 纸张尺寸26*18.5cm 重量157g铜,单页10万张,纸价为6600元人民币/吨,问纸的价格如果每色令以17元计算,版以65元计算,它的印刷费以及版费是多少,要如何计算拼版? 英语翻译There is an inverse relationship between the squirrel (s) and the fox (f) population in a certain wooded area.The points (s,f) represens the number of squirrels and foxes.If the point (200,100) correctly represents these two populations a 钟表上3点到4点之间,什么时刻时针与分针成40°的角? 在3点至4点之间的什么时刻,钟表的时针和分针分别相互重合和相互垂直 英语翻译There are 7 red marbles,5 green marbles,and 6 blue marbles is a jar.What is the minimum number of marbles to choose,without replacement,to guarantee that there is one of each color marble.It is possible to get all 7 red marbles,then all 6 长15CM,宽10.5CM,高6.5CM,求体积, 15*15的纸张是长15cm宽15cm吗? 长15cm 宽13.5cm 的一张纸,要画一个居中的爱心 怎么画 15CM乘15CM相当于多大的纸啊,A4?B5? 尺寸是22cm*15cm的纸是什么规格的? 6:30时钟表上时针与分针6:30时钟表上时针与分针所组成的角的度数、、 已知玩具的长度是25cm,直径(宽度)是5cm,怎么算出纸箱的尺寸呢? 时钟4点20分,时针和分针所夹的角的度数为? 要邮寄100本书,每本长24cm,宽17cm,厚0.5cm,每50本一包用包装纸包起来,最少用多少包装纸? 时钟在4点10分时分针 时针所成角的度数为 将2个长为20cm,宽为10cm,高为5cm的长方体纸盒成一包,最少要用多少包装纸?(接口处忽略不变) 要过程 是一道逻辑推理的题.刚才自己翻译了下,感觉有点不对劲.答案+翻译-胡说八道=采纳你的答案.Five children,Amelia,Bongani,Charles,Devine and Edwina,were in theclassroom when one of them broke a window.The teacher asked eac 简单的英语+数学题It's5 kilometers far away from my home.(对5 kilometers 提问)___ ___ ___it from my home? it take us three hours to get there.(变同义句)We ___ three hours ___there二元一次方程4(x+2)=1-5y3(y+2)=3-2x详 A businessman is required to collect an 8% sales tax.One day,he collected $280 in taxes.Find the total amount of sales he made that day. 2时48分=( )时(填分数) 3分米=( )米 305千克=( )吨 1200米=( )千米 40分=( )时填分数 求助一道简单的英文数学题!If -7 is subtracted from -12 the result is?答案到底是5还是-5啊 求高手解答 谢谢! 一道简单的英文数学题谢谢大家 A rectangle has perimeter 22 m.Express the area of the rectangle as a function of the length (L) of one of its sides.A(L) = 我写的是 A(L)= -L^2+11L但是机器判出来是错的,为什么? 搞不懂要怎么算, On what interval is the curve y = x ln(x - 1) concave upward? 2小时45分=( )时(填分数) 10千克25克=( )千克填分数 325克=( )千克 填分数