
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:21:47
已知函数y=0.5x^2-2x,当0 I have worked in this university _______ 1980.A for B since C till mt parens have gone out for a walk用when i got home改为复合句 Tom had(have)an accident when he was walking home .为什么填一般过去时,可以这样理解吗?由when引到的条件状语从句,主句用一般过去时从句用过去进行时,而when后是从句 Y=X^2-5X+6这个函数怎么画? 函数f(x)=2x-x/a的定义域为(0,1]当a=-1时,求函数y=f(x)的值域 窝轮增压有什么作用? 窝轮增压的作用是什么!汽修 窝轮增压和自然吸气哪个好? 求人教版九年级语文<课时达标> 一课一册,自主反馈 好的追加50 Love will always last if we love the whole fine things around us. 碘伏是什么 The evolution of media --- life is like a video game 有什么联...The evolution of media --- life is like a video game有什么联系,有什么含义我是要写一篇以这个为主题的research paper 碘伏怎么使用 人教版 期末测试卷答案最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最快最 【九年级语文课时特训】特点有哪些? 能否用酚酞作指示剂标定HCl溶液 针灸 先擦酒精还是碘伏 或者先擦酒精这个顺序是怎么弄的?先擦碘伏 再酒精脱碘还是先酒精 再碘伏 再酒精? This article is slightly(稍微的) ___ (well)organized than that one. ( ) I see it,the article is well 谁能告诉我freedom和liberty之间的区别 The article is "extremely well written".引号中的词为什么这么排序. liberty 和 freedom 有什么意义上的区别 英语:什么是复合句? 碘伏是什么 碘伏有什么作用 The article was referred The article was referred to哪一句正确 计算题 负1又1/2乘以负1又1/3乘以负1又1/4乘以负1又1/5乘以负1又/16乘以负1又1/7等于多少 This is the article written by him _____ I spoke to you about. 应该填什么?答案:A.which B.who C.whose D.where 一道计算题 150/x乘以3/4等于< > The article referred to is famous 这句的referred 后面为什么要to啊 函数y=f(x+1)-3/2为奇函数,y=f镊(x)是f(x)的反函数,则f镊(3)=?