
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:54:40
今天的西藏自治区在元朝是什么名? 变为宾语从句的复合句:1‘’These flowers are from Guangzhou.‘’ Tony said. "These are from last year," he saidare 在口语中是否可以省略呢,或者读的时候可以不读呢?意思是“这些东西是去年的.” 6._______ he said these words,everyone looked6._______ he said these words,everyone looked up at him as if they had never seen him before.A.The time B.The moment C.The occasion D.The present7.He went around ________ that all the windows were closed.A He said,“These books are mine.”变成直接引语 大学班级团组织活动~谁能帮我写份策划书~主题是校园之春和雷锋月~写的时候麻烦仔细点.我还要按照策划书上面做的~ 中国行省制度起源朝代、在位皇帝 我国的行省制度最早是从哪个朝代开始的? 中国从哪个朝代开始有行省制度? 行省制是哪个朝代的?还有那些制度类似的 行省制度始创于哪个朝代 谁能给下SHIT的音标?那个SH的发音怎么打出来``各位谁能给下``谢谢拉`` shit 的实际发音为什么和字典上不一样,字典里音标明明是i,但人们通常读成e MaKe A Wish都有那些解释RT 动物的尾巴有什么样的特点有什么作用 动物的尾巴有什么特点 求英语辩论演讲的题目,就像是大麻和枪支是否该合法这类的 动漫中的常用语都有哪些 alice is a student in this school.mike is a new student here,too同义句 a new student ( ) this school 填什么介词 there is a slight difference between these two CDs同义句:()()()()()()different. with kite nice 这三个哪个发音不同? 未选择的路 在《未选择的路》中,诗人选择了人迹罕至的一条路,而放弃了另一条也充满着诱惑的路.有时,学会放弃是我们迈向成功的第一步.鲁迅当年放弃学医,成为文学巨匠.再举出3个这样的 I saw Mr Green ______(walk) into the office just now,应该填什么? 刚才有人看见Wendy进了老师的办公室.Wendy _____________________ into the teachers' office just now. crazy什么意思 crazy是什么意思? crazy什么意思啊 Crazy啥意思 Look!the sunling is shining into the room ____(穿过) the winters crazy什么意思嘛? I look into the room ,but ( ) is in it.用 somebody 的适当形式填空