
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:16:52
“哪一个”到底应该怎么发音?怎么电视台里的主持人发音是 nei yi ge “哪”字到底怎么发音?发音不标准也配当主持人吗?还有一些词,比如"什么",他们怎么总是发成 sheng me,真受不了.有没有一 someone somebody anyone anybody的用法,明确的,thanksomeone somebody anyone anybody的用法,明确的,thanks. “越俎代庖”同义词叫什么(两个字)?有点模糊,似乎是叫什么越的(前面一个字好像是竹子头的,记的不是很清),表示一级越过另一级侵犯别人的权利.如:儿子不经父亲的同意,而擅自做出 从鸦片战争前,中英两国的历史对比看中国落后的原因请分别从政治、经济两方面回答.请详细点、具体点. 越俎代庖是什么意思 鸦片战争对中英两国经济上产生的影响 夏末的同义词是什么谢谢了,想要个情侣名字 不知道夏末的同义词是什么 反义词也行 2011年6月六级估分啊,听力18个 填空4个 句子1-2或无 快速阅读7个 深度阅读部分6个 完形填空15 划横线的读音 划红线的读音念什么 请问划圈的字的读音,字意. 表音密码重读音是怎么划的求详细一点的笔记 这篇英语阅读的答案Zebra’s stripes(条纹) have puzzled scientists around the world for centuries.What is the biological purpose of being covered with in black and white stripes?There are many theories that try to answer that question .Char 求这篇英语阅读答案 《蒙娜丽莎》的历史价值?主要内容是什么(3句)? 鸦片战争后的中英贸易下降,有什么政治因素不会的扯几句也行,要合理! I'll come back () () () time.括号里填什么? 一首英文歌.有几句是这样的..you never were,a waste of time ,fly straigh ,to the sun ,yeah ,i feel like we've just begun.i'm overcome,in love,fly straight很轻柔.很舒服的一首歌我找这首歌的名字是什么 在第八集快结束 Families are so poor that there often isnot any money _____ education (用于教育) families are poor and there often isn't money for education.这里为什么要用isn't,而不用haven't? 老师让那学生站在教室外面.The teacher ____ the students ____ ____ _____ the classroom. 英语阅读理解问题.在许多的阅读理解中,会有判断作者态度的问题.我不太明白 不赞成disapproving 和怀疑doubtful 有什么区别.为此经常选错选项. 关于英语阅读方面的问题.最近觉得英语阅读很难,我觉得自己需要增加阅读量.有没有一些好的英语阅读的文章或者杂志.请推荐. 蒙娜丽莎的历史价值 mr poor doesn't have _____ money ,but he has ____ friends .so he feels very ____ .A.lots of ; many ; happy B.many ; lots of ; happily C.much ; many ; happy D.much ; lots of ; happily 求一首很流行的英文歌!女生唱的,有点high,开头是:赌,赌嘟嘟嘟赌,赌嘟嘟嘟赌,中间还有I want to be ordinary,I want to be famous 窝窝(二声) The students from poor families don't have to pay for school _________ 写清原因any more no more so far no longer The students from poor families don't have to payfor school ________A any moreB any longer写明原因 1.The students in poor areas can have a happy l( ).2.We must exercise to have a____(heslth) life3.Too much h( ) isn't good for students .4.Do you get a ___(work,job)?yes,I ___ (work,job)in a hotel. Beijing is a city that attracts tens of thousands of tourists each year Beijing is changing so rapidly that maps of the city will go out of date almost they are publisheA.after B.once C.as soon as D.since