
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:18:16
请问what eles 和anything eles 有什么区别,什么情况下用哪个 Liping often ___ some reading in the morning.He____ a story book now.还要相关题 I must go home early because I don't want to m______the film on CCTV-6 问题是;what( )are there?回答是;They are ( )d ( )e( ) ( )n( )k and ( )w.应该填什么? -What are ______over there?-There are boxes. What are there is What are there? what_you_(do)on sunday i read some books. 书籍是全人类的营养品那个名言谁写的 Mrs.White often ___(do) some washing on Sunday They often do some shopping on Sunday.do some shopping 和on Sunday 提问、同义句、单复数互改 it is five it is time to go home. It's five o'clock.(对five o'clock提问) 因为寒冷而颤抖的颤抖用哪个英语单词?如题 It is five in the afternoon,it is time__.A:to go to shool B:go to shool C:to go home D:go hom 选哪个? It's (five o'clock)提问 翻译:what else do you like to do besides playing the computeR? What's at the bottom of it?到底是什么原因?我看怎么是他的底部是什么?is是不及物动词吗?为什么后面加介词啊?对啊是固定短语在..的底部的意思啊 我心目中的英雄作文1000字雷锋做的事,(3件),然后写学习雷锋,为什么学习雷锋,学习雷锋的一件事,做完事你高兴还是快乐。 what else did he do last night (翻译) 英语翻译It tracks the frequency of the words and phrases in the media.it is the first sign that the traditional top five fashion cities -New York-do not control global fashion any more.The following are the 10 top fashion cities of 2010 and chang 有一首歌是英文的,有句歌词是u u u u u u、是男的唱的.康师傅牛肉面做广告也使用的这首歌曲,有谁知道这首歌的名字叫什么? 初三英语典中点答案九年级上册 初三英语典中点Unit1SectionA答案-;我参考一下,做错了要被老师骂的、、 天津地区初三英语典中点,哪里有卖,急下册最近看好几个书店都没有,请问哪里有卖的 这是一道初三英语完型 I’ve learned German for less than one year.When I _____ my first e-mail in German,I didn’t want to make_____mistakes.So,I first read a book written in _____ German.And than I tried to write the e-mail.After I finish 英语 (10 20:8:1)in the end 和at the end of 的用法有什么不同? 选择恰当的词语填在下文括号中,每词限用一次.葬身 去世 丧生 毙命 死亡 夭折 牺牲 捐躯 ⒈人都有一死,但死的具体形式又各不相同.有的年满高龄而安然( ),有的未及成年就×然( ),有的 请用“严”组词,然后选择合适的词语填进句子中的括号里.用“严”字组词( )( )( )为了( )打击毒贩子,不管( )酷暑,缉毒队员都不放松斗争,经受了( )的考验. 用激字组词,然后选择恰当的词语填在下面的括号里文雄叔叔是老山前线的战斗英雄,他满怀( )的讲述了一次与越南侵略者( )战斗,全歼敌人的经过.听完以后,我们的心情非常( ),英雄们 英语单词中表示舒适和方便各是哪个单词?如何区别和记忆啊? 描述你感觉舒适和安心的两个英语单词 二十分钟内