
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 10:44:10
沉默的羔羊说的是什么 解读下《沉默的羔羊》 英语翻译不是应该是羔羊的沉默吗?因为X of Y 不是应该翻译成Y的X吗? why don't you join us for breakfast?sure._________A.what to do?B.why not? 爸爸向我讲述了爷爷( )的一生括号内填带苦的词语 Why don’t you come to join us?的两个同意句是什么? 如何证明:a^3+b^3+c^3>=3abca,b,c是正数 烯烃和烯烃之间不一定为同系物假如说C4H8和C3H6 就不一定是同系物是因为C4H8还有可能是环烷烃吗? 已知a^3+b^3+c^3=3abc,证明a=b=ca b c均不小于零 Let's () singing the song 在括号填join或join in 句型转换.1.Can you join us in singing?(改为同义句) Can you ___ ___ ___ singing? Will you come to join us in singing the song.As soon as i get through __my homework,i will do it.A.in B.at C.out D.with Marian asked the audience to join her in singing one last song. 如何证明a^3+b^3+c^3>=3abc 求犯罪心理学高手解答,急! 犯罪心理学】求解答 用犯罪心理学的知识分析马加爵 Why ____ come and join us?A.don't B.not you C.not to D.not 证明:在a+b+c=0时,a∧3+b∧3+c∧3=3abc 证明 若a,b,c均为正整数 则a^3+b^3+c^3>=3abc 当且仅当a=b=c成立 梯形abcd中ad平行bc,对角线ac与bd交与点o,已知三角形aob和boc的面积是25和35,求梯形ABCD的面积 .—7不是( ) A.自然数 B.整数 C.负数 D.有理数没有我要找的答案啊 梯形ABCD,AB//CD,AC、BD相交于点O,知AOB和BOC面积为25和35,求梯形ABCD面积 梯形ABCD中,AB//CD,AC、BD相交于点O,已知△AOB和△BOC面积为25和35,则梯形ABCD面积为 . "a"在第三位的单词,有五位的字谁能帮帮我~讲鬼故事的绕道,骂人的也是 最大的鲸鱼是什么? 鲸可叫做鲸鱼么?要具体的 鲸和鲸鱼有什么区别?不是IQ 是鲸鱼大还是鲸大? 英语翻译Smells Like Teen SpiritLoad up on guns and Bring your friendsIt's fun to lose And to pretendShe's over bored And self assuredOh no,I know A dirty wordhello,how low?(x bunch of times)With the lights out it's less dangerousHere we are now E 英语翻译我这里是英文歌词:Load up on guns and Bring your friendsIt's fun to lose And to pretendShe's over bored And self assuredOh no,I know A dirty wordhello,how low?(x bunch of times)With the lights out it's less dangerousHere we are n 求涅磐的smells like teen spirit贝司谱 如题