
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:24:07
stand up our monitor said in a high v什么 “Don't stand ing the way,”the policeman said to the boy.改为间接引语 The boy said to us ,"I usually get up at 7ocIock怎么改成间接引语? 话说wang小Y怎么了? DIAN XIAO ER 店小二 JURONG POINT怎么样 直接引语变间接引语 He said “the adcive is for he.” "How wonderful the joureny is!" he said.变成间接引语 If you don't know the m_(of greater importance)idea of the article,you can go to your English -teacher forhelp. 管仲相桓公的意思 英译汉sony kill music!sony sucks!sony kill music!sony sucks!我知道这是MJ说得! 那音乐激起他强烈的思乡之情 求英译汉写错了 求汉译英 快 hai shi xin hai bai nian la 帮忙翻译一下对话,语法要正确.先生这边稍坐换下拖鞋,请带好手牌,凭手牌取鞋.先生这边请.先生几位?请问您需要单人间还是双人间?先生请坐,我们这有魔指足浴和仙境指压两大项目.请问您需 用 “be gonging to ”造5个句子要用不同人称、句式5句!急用!O(∩_∩)O谢谢各位英语天才啊! it'is gonging to …… be windy 还是cloud 英语翻译Hello.This is Kitty.May I spenk to Peter,please?Hello,Kitty.This is Peter speaking.Kitty:I's Ben's birthday on Saturday.I'm planning a party.Are you free on Saturday at three o'clock in the afternoon?Peter:Yes,I am.What are we going to do 这周我们将安排发货,付款仍按我们原先约定的货到上海一周付款.如何翻译? 一道定语从句语法题I now know why Mao impresses everyone who meets him the way____ he does.A.which B.that为什么选B还有一个问题,如果定语从句中的从句的动词是不及物动词,是不是用副词,是及物动词,是不是用 be to do与be gonging to do的区别 一道语法题,定语从句,It is in that poor village,where Mary lived and worked 15 years ago,___ she will build her first school,which inspires everyone to help her.that .提问1.请问为什么用that 还可以用其它的引导词吗?2.请问 请问一个定语从句语法的问题,Mr.Right invited many people to his party that he respected much.从意思上讲that肯定是修饰many people而不是party,从语法上将呢,为什么这里 that不是修饰party而是people,定语从句的w 29和31题, 每天,上千的游客来参观故宫._ _ _come to visit the Forbidden City every day. 在语法里,什么叫做现在分词 需要补的100万元,在此次发货的发票中加上去,并扣除预付款50万元人民币.如何翻译? 一个现在分词的问题.-_-!A message from the land had been got by the captain instructing him to come back.请问这里的 instructing是现在分词做什么来着 请问一个现在分词的问题I don't have a problem doing it.There is no problem doing it.这两句哪句正确?正确的句中doing it做什么成分呢? 花卉扦插花卉插条在插前怎样处理效果最好,消毒如何进行最好?在管理中应当如何进行才比较合适,请有经验的朋友们帮帮忙!谢谢这位朋友,我现在想了解的是消毒如何进行最好?在管理中应当 什么花适合用扦插的方式繁殖 Do not count on anybody except yourself! Do not picture yourself as anything 为了达到四季能观赏,盛花花坛每个季节选什么花