
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:35:06
the children went back to school by bus(同义句) There were many people.We s___ and d_____.We went back home by taxi. 有关难溶物溶解平衡的已知:①难溶电解质,与水相似,在一定温度下,当难溶物AmBn在水中建立平衡:AmBn==(可逆)==mAn+ + nBm- 时,c(An+)^m * c(Bm-)^n = Ksp.②几个正数的代数和平均值不小于其几何平 真核生物是一个基因对应一个蛋白质? 比较真核生物细胞核中的蛋白质编码基因的结构及转录和成熟RNA组分之间的异同? if you want to have good___,you must have a goodrest. If you want to be healthy ,you have to eat and drinkIf you want to be healthy,you have to eat and drink healthily.Coke isn’t very good for you because it’s very sweet.The sugar in Coke and in many other sweet drinks can be bad for your teeth.Ice It is good to have money,but ______________(最重要的是),we must be healthy. if you want to be a hacker 879797297 you have to be a good hacker?求欢译! 要使难溶电解质溶解,可以从哪几方面考虑? 高中化学,难溶电解质转化问题已知25摄氏度氟化镁的溶度积比氢氧化镁的溶度积大问25摄氏度时,在氢氧化镁的悬浊液中加入氟化钠溶液后,氢氧化镁能否转化为氟化镁答案是可以我比较疑惑, B_English ,we also learn Chinese ,math and some other subjects.空里填什么啊? learn more about the world的中文是什么 learn more about the world的意思是什么? learn more about the learn more about the world意思还有with the first prize的意思 Books help us ____ (learn) more about the world 根据适当的形式填空 Do you have a healthy l___?Do you have good e___habits?八上英语! Do you have a healthy lifestyle?Do you have good e___habits?我想填eating,答案给的是exercise,我认为填exercise不行,到底行不行 31.To keep healthy,one has to ______ good eating habits.A.makeB.takeC.31.To keep healthy,one has to ______ good eating habits.A.makeB.takeC.developD.raise 1what do to keep healthy have to I do(?)连词成句2her he quite stay with seems happy to (.)3we English two his hours sprnt with helping him(.)4please pass a book you will me(?) Saving water is very important for us.There willbe fewer fresh water in the future.We must avoid any chance of wasting water.We should take actions in or daily life.For example,take shoter water at any time,leave the sink running.Every time you use w Is there anything wrong with this sentence"You can't leave her alone" 求英文忧伤句子自己写的也可以 请问He's up there in the tree with Bill long with,alone with,lonely with,along with分别是什么意思 You may say that they go to school to learn Chinese,English and other subjiects?this answer is right.But do you know why they learn all things?And are these things all they can learn at school? It is much less than I dreamed I would have,but I do not feel singled out,given my knowledge of those alumnae scooping ice cream and changing oil.翻译英语句子,分析句型. 英语长句,句型分析!Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high andlow culture,the trend that Mr.mike documents is unmistakable.-------------------------------------------------请好心人帮我分析下这句型的主谓 这句英语句型如何分析?they caught fish every day,and,as one of them put it "ate like kings'为什么and 两遍都有逗号 英语长句子的句型分析下面的那个句子略长,分不清哪些是主语,哪些是谓语,哪些是状语等.Surely,it'd be magnificent to be like thsi person ,but since it's not you who is doing so well,posting remarkable grades and complet 有一首英文歌里面有一个男的老是唱sunday sunday sunday 这首是什么歌这首有点劲暴的