
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:22:05
函数g(X)的图像与函数y=(4-3x)/(x-1)的图像关于y=x-1对称,求g(x)的解析式. 函数y=(x+2)/(3x-1)的图像关于哪一点对称? 5x^y-[2x^2y-3(xy^2-2x^2y+2xy^2)],其中x,y满足|x-1|+(y+2)^2=0先化简,再求值如果及时还给悬赏!急! 函数y=2tan(3x+π/4)的图像的一个对称中心A (π/2,0) B(7π/12,0) C (π/6,0) D (π,0) 函数y=sin(3x-π/4)图像的对称中心 (-3XY+Z^YX-3)+(XYZ^2-4XY-1)-(2XYZ^2+XY)的结果 A 与xyz的大小无关 B 与xy的大小有关 C 与x的大小(-3XY+Z^YX-3)+(XYZ^2-4XY-1)-(2XYZ^2+XY)的结果A 与xyz的大小无关B 与xy的大小有关C 与x的大小有关 I ___________who can help us.单词要求:六个字母,第三个字母是n 请高手们帮我做一做英语习题,Cloze 6Once the moon flights had proved that people could live and work in space,the next step in space flight was the (61) of space stations.The stations were sent (62) earth orbit,where they (63) the earth fo 英语高手教我做这几个题目 积分 1/(1+根号下 3x) dx Can you( )some questions?Sorry,I'm busy.I can't( )them.A.answer,answer to B.answer,reply toC.reply,answer D.reply,reply toWhere's Jim's homework?I saw him( )it yesterday evening.A.did B.does C.do D.doing后天我要照看我的小妹妹I( )( )( )my l S=积分(0,1)[根号x-x^2]dx =[2/3x^(3/2)-x^3/3](0,1) =1/3 为什么啊我都忘记了不知道怎么说 Passage TwoCenturies ago,man discovered that removing moisture from food helps to preserve it,and that the easiest way to do this is to (71) the food to the sun and wind.All foods contain water — cabbage and other leaf vegetables contain as (72) as 急求解题方法.求dx/3次根号下(2-3x)的积分 1 5x平方+(-2x)平方-(-8x)平方=?2 (3x-2y)+(3y-2x)=?3 (3x平方+7-xy)-(-4x平方-6xy+7)=? ∫x^4/(25+4x^2)dx求积分∫x^4/(25+4x^2)dx如果要用到有理函数的真分式,烦请写出过程,谢谢了 ∫x∧2√(1+4x∧2)dx怎么积分? ∫x∧2√(1+4x∧2)dx怎么积分?, 一道积分∫4x^3/(x+1) dx 先化简,在求值:(1)已知x^2-5x=14,求(x-1)(2x-1)-(x+1)^2+1的值 为什么The house is made of wood with an iron roof.中的is不该成was,这房子不是早盖了吗 求∫1-x/根号下9-(4x^2) dx 急用 ∫x/根号5-4x dx x=(1,1/根号2)如何解答?这是 一道求积分题 ∫dx/根号(4x-x^2) If only my grandpa______this together with us now!A had seenB could seeC must seeD should see我知道该句子是虚拟语气,但是怎样判别它是主句还是从句? 英语高中简单问题如下,求助啊you'd better go to school. 【 翻译疑问句怎么写? don’you ?对吗?还是什么?】这种现象在中国和欧洲哪个发生的比较多?【翻译这句话】 英语翻译你每次可以借两本书.You can borrow two books ____ ____ ____农民仍然坚持在田里工作.Farmers still _____ _____ in the fields. 英语翻译1.我认为徒步旅行不是所有活动中最令人兴奋的.______________________________________________.2.我们昨天没有踢足球因为雨下得很大.(2种)__________________________________.________________________________ 这些英语题?高中? 已知函数f(x)是(-3,3)上的减函数,且是奇函数,若函数g(x)=f(x-1)+f(3-2x),求不等式g(x)≤0的解集 已知定义在(-1,1)上的函数f(x)既是奇函数又是减函数,求不等式f(X^2-2)+f(3-2x) 英语翻译1.自我上中学起,我一直在用英语写日记.keep diaries2.如果你对外星人感兴趣,你为什么不去和埃伦谈谈呢?be interested in3.法国作家们这些天特别忙.particularly4.我无法做蛋糕,因为我们的糖