
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:18:54
If I had a lot of money,I ( ) buy a boat.A.willB.amC.would 秋天,是收获的季节,并且,人们口中的“金秋”也是这个季节喔!既然是金秋,那便是 回过头来,又看见了一秋天,是收获的季节,并且,人们口中的“金秋”也是这个季节喔!既然是金秋,那便是要有 急!请帮我翻译?谢大仙们了The expanded features of the performance management system includefewer performance rating levels, an extended probationary period for newemployees, employee self-assessment and employee feedback on supervisor’spe 英语翻译A Competitive Differential is an extension to the maximum salary in an existing pay band and is used for select jobs based on local market conditions.Competitive Differentials allow agencies to pay higher salaries where justified.The Depa lucy is going to meet her friend at the school gate to 9: Is that computer on the desk的答句能说NO,that isn’t. Everyone ______ that computer is useful.A.knows B.know C.think D.will knows说明原因 ( ) the computer on the desk new?还有 yes (  ) is Eveyone will have a computer on their desk.对句子中的a computer 部分提问 Summer Is Over 歌词 帮我翻译一下:Your subscription to this campaign needs to be approved by merchant. Summer Is Over是谁唱的 英语翻译机床图纸上面的附注.还望高手不吝赐教! summer is over. 中译英 结婚是人生的一件大事,每个人都希望自己的婚礼能留下美好的回忆.随着时代的变迁,The wedding is a important things in our life,everybody woul21世纪的今天,婚礼不再以铺张排场的婚宴为代表,而 英语翻译3、有助于减少国际贸易摩擦.我国与美、日、欧盟等主要贸易伙伴,积累了巨额贸易顺差,经常因此受到美、日、欧盟内部的政治集团与利益集团的抨击,国际贸易摩擦和贸易争端呈现 英语翻译由于你的银项链属于贵重金属,DHL拒绝发送.所以换了联邦快递公司帮你发件,所以你还得等快递员到后再填一遍运单.快递员会在今天下午5点前来咱们办公室,到时候请直接把快递费RMB3 The secretary works (in an office).就打括号部分提问 英语翻译本周五上午十点,我们香港的人事XXX会通过电话给大家开一个会议,会议内容是:XXXX.请大家按时到达. the company got many replies to their new advertisement.的意思 Every time you fail, start over again用中文怎么翻译 Think over the ____ questions about the plan.You mean what time to start,how much time to spend---Think over the ____ questions about the plan.---You mean what time to start,how much time to spend at the place,where to have lunch and when to return h I pretend I don't care you,but still I feel the pain the night 与the night before 的具体区别 the night before与before the night什么区别如题···· the night before 请问 这里的before是什么词性为什么放在night 后边 in the daytime you can have a [ ] It will help you work or study bett A.nap B.long restC.short rest 是To their surprise还是To their surprises有没有"s" They don't eat fish,because in the early days___their food habits were formed,it was not availableA.where B.that C.which D.when 选什么?是什么从句?修饰哪个 是to them surprise还是to their surprise what are different types of meeting that people often go to雅思PART3 why so many people want to travel ? what are the advantages of traveling? 简单一点回答啊 初中水平不是翻译啊 晕 是回答