
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:37:29
The students asked the teacher to tell a story.改为被动语态 立式切割系统用英语怎么说 the students are l_____ to their teachers 函数奇偶性习题已知不恒为零的函数f(x)对一切实数x,y都有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)1.求证f(x)为奇函数2.若f(-3)=p(p为常数),求f(12)的值 关于函数奇偶性的题1.若f(x)=x²+2(a-1)x+4是区间(-∞,4]上的减函数,则实数a的取值范围是?2函数f(x)=mx²-(5m-2)x+m²-4在[2,+∞)上是增函数,则实数m的取值范围?3 函数f(x)=(a-1 函数题(判断函数奇偶性)已知f(x)=x五次方+cx三次方+bx-8,若f(-2)=10,则f(2)=___.若f(x)=(m-1)x平方 +6mx+2是偶函数,则m=_____. 求助关于函数奇偶性的函数题!1.已知函数f(x)=x*x+a/x .x不等于零,常数a属于R.若函数在x>=2上为增函数,求实数a的取值范围.2.函数f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y).x.y都属于R.判断函数f(x)的奇偶性 怎么锻炼一个人的智商,我思考问题时总是反应慢很笨. 父子俩今年分别是41岁和11岁,问;几年前父亲的年龄是儿子年龄的6倍 父子俩今年分别41岁,11岁问几年前父亲的年龄是儿子年龄的六倍? 很高兴和你谈话用英语怎么说? 很高兴和你聊英语怎么说 Our teachers are all very strict with us students.请问这里的all 词性,起什么作用 Our teachers are all very s_____ with us students.书上答案是strict,但我能不能用satisfied?还有be strict with sb.中,us students是什么意思?介词后面加宾格,那为什么会有students?是同谓语么? 1 Our teachers are very strict ____ us A with B to C on All of our teachers are very strict with their teaching work. 2.you look very tiring .you should have a good rest. 3.my brother's birthday is in November 30th and we have a birthday party for him. 4.I think this is very important for us to have a tal 讨论函数f(x)=x*x+a/x的奇偶性 判断函数f(x)=x-1(x>0) f(x)=0(x=0 f(x)=x+1(x 贝克莱的“存在就是被感知” 午餐我通常吃米饭,蔬菜,鱼肉和鸡肉;晚餐我经常吃面条,饺子和蔬菜.这些都是健康的食品. 北京今天天气如何,不要天气预报的,要当地实时天气, 拾金不昧的“昧”是什么意思 拾金不昧的昧的意思 拾金不昧的昧什么意思 准确的 拾金不昧的“昧”是什么意思啊..?如题.. 同学的英文怎么写 文言文分类一共十六篇文言文:马说,出师表,曹刿论战,岳阳楼记,醉翁亭记,三峡 小石潭记,记承天寺夜游,桃花源记,陋室铭,爱莲说,邹忌讽齐王纳谏,送东阳马升序,鱼我所欲也 ,论语,生于忧患, 古诗文是怎么分类的? 1.Teachers _____ their students the right way to study.A.send B.let C.put D.show2.This is an ____ job and all of us are doing it with great______.A.interested;interest B.interesting;interested C.interest;interesting D.interesting;interest3.I would li In some Asian countries,however,teachers often feel that their job is to pass knowledge to students I don't know the ____ income of the family,but I do know it is very small.A ture B real C actualD practical