
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:46:29
the first one is the English 前面加什么介词?填空 My exams starts on Monday, ( ) the first one is the English. Tom is like his mother.同义句是什么? What is Tom's mother like?My name is Tom.My mother is a middle school teacher.She is doing housework now.What am I doing?I am doing my homework.What is Tom's mother like? Tom is (real) like his mother.填词,为什么填? it is not a time to make a change just relax take it easy这是哪首歌里的歌词啊 You must be the change you wish to see in the world Mohandas Gandhi l have no wish my plan.A.to change B for changingwish to 与wish for用法的区别是什么 I wish I ( ) a change to talk with you about my writing before you left1.have2.had3.had had4.will have怎么选择,怎么翻译 要一些经典的英语句子,像wish there be just enough clouds in your sky to make a beautiful sonset.不要那些什么十大经典爱情英语名言的,那些地球人都知道的, Do you like play ping-pong?为什么是错的? I can play ping-pong的问句是什么 I can play ping-pong(变一般疑问句并做否定回答) I can't _____ (play) ping-pong. Let's play ping-pong. The boy gave his father some coffee.改为同义句 The boy _____ some coffee_____his fatherLisa bought a souvenir in the Gift shop yesterday 改为同义句 Lisa_____ _____a souvenir in the Gift shop yesterday Amy had a good time in Sunshine park改 请填空:We use______or______to make WH-questions with other verbs to make friends 与to make friends with的区别 tell me why please don't cry satell me why please don't cry say goodbye xjs 这是神马意思 please tell me 翻译中文 英语翻译最好可以解释一下这首歌的内涵 中文名的英文谐音翻译Lin man hua,中文名,姓氏Lin 就不用翻译了,我要名字man hua的翻译,要谐音的,容易记住就行了,别来个Manhua Lin这种,这个是初中学的. 英语翻译这么多答案, 英语翻译中文名汤君衡.男.94年9月27号.天秤座!帮忙中文名翻译谐音英文名! 帮我把中文名翻译成英文谐音.我叫胡媛, 麻烦帮我翻译成英文的谐音好不. 要是我名字的谐音、. 拜托了哈. O(∩_∩)O谢谢或者用我星座取英文名,我i狮子座、 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 easy to move on Guess what I've been up to!是什么意思? You have a long way to go.Take it easy.就是刚才的那个问题!不是用来却人的.是一种挑衅的.就是以后走着瞧!是不是这样?帮我修改好一些!帮我吧“人生路漫长,谁知谁辉煌”帮我也翻译一下。 Tom________(look)like his father. The table is on w--------.So it's easy to move.横线处怎么填? 填空:Tom l() like his father. 提问 1)( )father is ill (he) 2)Tom ( )playing football(like) 3)I,m tired i want ( )a rest4)It,s time ( )lunch (hare)5)Mother is too surprised ( )a word(say)6)What a bout ( ) a pear?(eat)7)She ( )to do the shopping (hare) 3333怎么运算等于一到十