
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:37:30
用介词填空There is a big hole ---- the back door ----the room.There is a big hole ---- the back door ----the room.横线上应该填什么.为什么 英语翻译please remember to double check everything before you bring the homework to class.ie - grammer and structure.And on top of the homework,how about everyone try to bring a very small article you like,it can be from a magazines,a newspapers 英语翻译pick up the pool toys,and take care of your towel,too 好像怪怪的~ 英语翻译我依旧记得当我开始学英语的时候,每个人都在鼓励我.却只有你一个人几乎每次都在说我英语差,还让我闭嘴,那时我真的很伤心就是这样~请不要用软件哦! It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows( ).A it what to do with B what to do with C what to do with it D to do what with it 答案:C 我想问下这句what做do的宾语,为什么不是做do的主语? 写出制备fe(oh)2和fe(oh)3的化学方程式 水泵做功问题在半小时内把360m`3抽到5m高处,则水泵对水做功为 用所给单词的适当形式填空 Traveling by train is more relaxing than ____( drive )your car I think traveling by train is more comfortable than traveling by car.(改为同义句)I think traveling by car is ______ _________ than traveling by train. 用简单的英语解释下列句子:Sam enjoys making phone calls to his feiends at weekends.Sam enjoys making phone calls to his feiends at weekends.一定一定要快啊······ Sam enjoys making phone calls to his friends at weekends.My brother always achieves A grades in maths. 绝情 这个词英文是什么呢? 知之者不如好之者 好之者不如乐之者.学习兴趣对于成功有什么作用?请联系实际回答 知之者不如好之者好之者不如乐之者指出了学习有哪三个层次 “知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”谈了一种怎么样的学习态度? 知之者不如好之者 好之者不如乐之者学习兴趣对于成功有什么作用 “知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者”这一则告诉我们最大的学习动力是什么?请举你学习生活中的一个实例来说明 跟溴水酸性高锰酸钾新制氢氧化铜碳酸氢钠都可以反应的是A.CH2OH(CHOH)4CHOB.老师印的不清楚看不到.C.CH2=CH-COOHD.CH3COOH vray 物理摄像机的打法和各种参数vray 物理摄像机的打法和各种详解参数 指教 小弟现在没分了 等有分一定补上 最好是中文版的 . vray物理摄象机与max自带的摄象机的区别与联系vray摄像机的各个参数的用法 请帮我讲讲1976年至1978年的中国历史我对1976年至1978年这两年的历史几乎一无所知咯!希望大家给我讲讲咯! 1978年我国社会进入了一个怎样的历史新时期 Maybe you are more interestinged in sports than in history.短文,可是没有首字母,Maybe you are more interestinged in sports than in history.You probably think you will neverbe a top student.In _1__,anyone can become a better student if he or s I′m more interested in history than Art 意思是 My cellphoneis broken,so Ican't make phone calls to my friend1.My cellphone is broken,so I can't make phone calls to my friends.My cellphone is broken,so I can't ________ _________ ________friends.2.我每天花二十分钟骑自行车去上学._____ "we can make phone calls to invite friends." 句子中的call 为什么加了s? 呱呱是什么动物 嘎嘎 是哪种动物的声音 古中国与希腊经济与文化有什么差别 嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎 叫的是什么动物 不是鸭子哦! 中国对希腊中国队确实进步了不少,但是应该也要承认,希腊没使全场紧逼. Fe(OH)3在空气中点燃的反应方程式是什么?如题