
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:34:36
Communities almost always form themselves in ways such that the majority is able to be a tyrant to the minority.句子中的such 是什么词性与作用?修饰那个词?2.form themselves 形成他们自身,不理解实在说什么啊? The doctors and nurses did all they could to save the little boy's life.这句话对吗我觉得all they could应该改成all they could do才对啊? The doctors in the children's hospital did all they could___[save]the sick baby The doctors did everything they could to save the dying old woman but failed.在文章中看到这个句子,我的疑惑是:这个句子中情态动词could后面跟了带to的不定式.有这样的用法吗?我只知道,情态动词后只跟动词 They did all they could ( ) save the child.括号里是否要加towhy △ABC和△DEF都是等边三角形,点D、E、F分别在AB、BC、AC上,BH⊥DE于H,交AC于G.求证:AG+CF=2BD 阳光小学去年有毕业生250人,今年比去年毕业生人数少1/50.今年有毕业生多少人?东湖小学九月份的水电费是4800元,十月份的水电费比九月份节约了15%.十月份的水电费是多少元?今年福特汽车售 只列式、不计算 只列式,不计算!六年级,数学! outside,the car pulled up smartly,as they do.翻译 the doctors and nurses in this hospital do everything they can ____the patiets 为什么是to save 请帮忙翻译A victim is struggling out the car door. the doctors have tried everything they can___(save)the sick and injured 为什么 injured want other thing did you do?(同义句)——did you do? whoere you are,you have no right to do such a thing换__ __ __ you are,you have no right to do such a thing 小明3分之2小时走了5分之4千米,依次计算走20千米要多久? 小明5/12小时走了5/6千米,小明平均每小时走多少千米?想:(1)根据()除以()=(),列出算式()除以().(2)算理推想:可以先求()小时走了多少千米,也就是求()的1/5是多少,即()x 函数y=a ^(x+1)-2恒过定点A,若点A在直线mx+ny+1=0(m,n》0)则2/m+1/n的最小值 函数y=a^(x+1)-2(a>0,a≠1)的图象恒过定点A,若点A在直线mx+ny+1=0,其中m、n>0,则1/m+2/n的最小值为详细地我看的懂的话加分是肯定的~ I regret having done such a stupid thing.我后悔曾做了这件蠢事.为么用having done ,doing不行吗,也是后悔做某事啊 What does Bill do?和What's he doing?意思一样吗? american pie 中的what does the third base feels the car was parked directly——the diner.A in front of B.ahead of 为什么不能选B,区别是什请举例说明. 美国权利法案the bill of rights 请能否给我每个修正案的大概内容和被加进宪法里的原因?我想记下来,因为这是作业,要背,但是找不到 前十个修正案被加入宪法的原因 I don't think he could do such a stupid thing last night,____?A do I B could he C did he D has he反义疑问句的要点思路 请具体说明吧 爱在细微处(作文)……… 请告诉我世界名著,英文译名,作者!请告诉我世界上所有的世界名著和他的著者的名字! 求英文译名能不能告诉我,“拉普里奥”翻译成英文是什么,谢谢 求世界名著英文译名.越多越好. 羊城八景的英文译名 高数题看不懂额3.6.15上面两图中那个转换是不是多了个 y' 第一二题