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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/21 12:52:16 优秀作文




1. Improve the following sentences by using nominalization.

(1) We can improve its performance when we use super-heated steam.

(Key: An improvement of its performance can be affected by the use of super-heated steam)

(2) If we add or remove heat, the state of matter may change.

(Key: The addition or remove of heat may change the state of matter.)

2. Identify the informal expressions in the following sentences. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the informal expressions with a more formal equivalent.

(1) You clearly can see the difference between the treated and untreated specimens.

(Key: The difference between the treated and untreated specimens can be clearly seen.)

(2) Effective vaccines present such hazards, but only if a social organization could make sure that all potential mothers are vaccinated in good time.

(Key: Effective vaccines present such hazards, but only if a social organization could ensure that all potential mothers are vaccinated in good time.)


1. (1)Key: Application of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in the Analysis of Structural Mechanics

(2) Key: Developing Computer Internet and Spreading of Culture and Information (4) Key: Mechanisms of Retinal Damage:Chronic Laser Radiation

(5) Key: Commercialization of the Natural Gas Vehicles

(6) Key: Prediction of Wash Load Ratefrom the Bed Load Function?

(7) (a good title)

(8) Key: Foreign Languages Learning and Cultural Background Teaching

(9)Keywords: English, Vocabulary, Tendency

(10) Key: Keywords: CollocationContextConnotation (单词间隔要大点)(Using larger space between words)


3. (1)(答案:The acceleration of gravity continually increases as the body approaches the earth, air resistance being neglected. )

(2) (答案:Almost all metals are good conductors, silver being the best.)

(3) (答案:In Group 1, we have hydrogen and the alkali metals, all of low density.)

(4) (答案:There are many reasons for this, among them the fact that simulation allows the assessment of the potential performance before a newly designed system is operable.)

(5) (答案:Laser, its creation being thought to be one of today’s wonders, is nothing more than a light that differs from ordinary lights.)


1. (Sentence1: background information;

Sentence 2-4: research aim

Sentence5-8: methodology

Sentence9-10: results

Sentence 11: conclusion)




[Version A] plagiarism

[Version B] Improper paraphrase, plagiarism

[Version C] appropriate paraphrase

[Version D] not plagiarism

2. 1) a. Deep water exploring oil had once been impossible before, but now it becomes practicable in part because the floating rigs have developed much.

b. Oil explorers are now suddenly able to operate in deep waters where they couldn’t get to, in part because there are developments in floating rigs.

2) A liver cell plays a different role compared with a blood cell and the proteins inside a liver cell are different from those inside a blood cell.

3) It can be concluded from the cloning studies that the growing embryo bears a lot of plasticity which enables it to develop successfully even under the condition that there are a great proportion of malfunctioning genes.

3. (1).According to Jacques Cousteau, the activity of people in Antarctica is jeopardizing a delicate natural mechanism that controls the earth's climate. He fears that human activity could interfere with the balance between the sun, the source of the earth's heat, and the important source of cold from Antarctic waters that flow north and cool the oceans and atmosphere ("Captain Cousteau" 17).

(3). The use of a helmet is the key to reducing bicycling fatalities, which are due to head injuries 75% of the time. By cushioning the head upon impact, a helmet can reduce accidental injury by as much as 85%, saving the lives of hundreds of victims annually, half of whom are school children ("Bike Helmets" 348).

(5). How much higher skyscrapers of the future will rise than the present world marvel, the Sears Tower, is unknown. However, the design of one twice as tall is already on the boards, and an architect, Robert Sobel, thinks we currently have sufficient know-how to build a skyscraper with over 500 stories (Bachman 15).

4. Sample of a summary from the "Academic Honesty Policy”

Gallaudet University's "Academic Honesty Policy" states that students need to be honest when filling out forms, taking tests, and doing writing assignments. If students are not honest, they can be severely punished. For example, if a student lies on an official form, like an application, the student can be dismissed from the university. Also, if a teacher finds that a student cheated on a test or a paper the teacher can grade the student's test or paper with an "F." The teacher can also flunk the student for the whole course, or the teacher can ask the Provost to kick the student out of school for academic dishonesty. The Provost decides if a student should be dismissed or not.

Lecture 6



《The Economist》经济学人杂志曾经列出过写作指导手册,当中的很多条准则其实在托福写作中也非常适用,特别是很多议论文题材。下面就跟随100教育小编看看经济学人的写作手册里具体说了些什么吧!

清晰的写作来自于清晰的思想。所以,想清楚你要说什么,然后尽可能简单地说出来。记住乔治?奥威尔(George Orwell)的六条基本规则。


1. 绝不要使用在印刷物里经常看到的隐喻、明喻和其他修辞方法。

2. 如果一个字能说清,不要用两个字。

3. 但凡一个字能删掉,一定要删掉。

4. 只要能用主动语态,绝不要用被动语态。也就是说,看见“被”字,要想方设法把它去掉。当然,“被自杀”这类伟大的语词创新除外。

5. 能用常用词的时候,不要用外来词、科学术语和行话。

6. 绝不要用粗俗语言,为此可以打破上面任一规则。



每一期《经济学人》都有大量的隐喻。比如:trails of crushed rivals (敌人溃败的痕迹), billing and cooing politicians (狼狈为奸的政客),

projects falling at the first hurdle (在第一个难关前就倒下的项目), track records on inflation (通胀记录), tabloid reporters lapping up stories(小报记者编造故事), reports leaving the door a jar (报告给XXX留下了一道门缝), irresistible forces about to meet immovable objects (矛盾相争),roadblocks in the path of reform (改革的路障), investors crying foul (投资者大叫犯规), doors slammed shut in China (中国的大门关上了),blind eyes turned in Taiwan (对台湾视若无睹)。



?Bulgaria is on its knees. Along-simmering economic crisis has

erupted, gripping the country in a fierce and uelenting embrace.



?The basic question for the Bush campaign, as the fervour from the Republican convention in Houston last week dissipates, is whether or not

it is barking up the wrong social tree by painting an exclusionary picture of an American society that has otherwise long been characterised as a melting-pot eternally susceptible to change. This may only be part of the broader election canvas, which also runs to more legitimate criticism of the opposition . . .



?A BBC statement said today:“This is an off-the-wall programme with a track record of cutting-edge humour,but on this occasion we appear to have overstepped the mark.”


Léon Dion, 一个宪法专家,看起来如果不用隐喻无法说话:

?In his opinion, give the Anglophones an inch and they will demand a mile. “The signs issue is just the Trojan horse,” he says. “It is the tip of the iceberg. Once the dam is open you won't be able to close it.”

在Leon Dion看来,操英语者得寸进尺。“标志问题只不过是特洛伊木马,”他说,“只是冰山一角。只要闸门一开,我们就关不上了。”



用about,不要用approximately;用 after,不要用following;用let,不要用permit;用but,不要用however;用use,不要用utilise,用make,不要用manufacture;用plant,不要用facility,用takepart,不要用 participate;用setup,不要用establish;用enough,不要用sufficient;用show,不要用demonstrate;以此类推。说不发达(Underdeveloped )国家一般都不如用穷(poor)国。实质性的(Substantive)一般指的就是实际的(real)或者大( big)。



不要用打击行动(strikeaction),打击(strike)就够了;不要用削减(cutbacks),用砍(cuts);不要用轨迹记录(track record),用 记录(record);不要用大规模(large-scale),用大(big);不要用政策制定过程(policy making process),直接用制定政策(policy making);不要用天气情况(weather conditions),用天气(weather)就好。


meet with;公司是被收购和出售(bought and sold),而不是被买掉和卖光(bought up andsold off);预算是被砍(cut)而不是削减(cutback);阴谋是被策划(hatched)而不是策划起来(hatchedup);组织是被主席领导(headed)而不是领导着(headedup);市场是被放开(freed)而不是被开放了(freedup);孩子是被放(sent)到床上而不是放去(sentoff)到床上。

我们给你的这个建议是免费(free)的或者说是不要钱的(for nothing)的,但不是for free(王烁:不会了,识者教我)的。


priority),说政治家(politician)或者优先(priority)足矣。重要讲演(major speech)经常就是讲演(speech)。避难港(safe haven)就是港口(haven)。最有可能(Most probably)和最特殊(most especially)就是可能(probably)和特殊(especially)。事实是这样的(The fact that)经常可以缩短成这样(That)。对工业和农业部门( industrial and agricultural sectors)的贷款就是给工业和农业(industry and farming)的贷款。

Community是另一个最好砍掉的词。不光是因为它常常是不必要的,还因为它传达一种可能并不存在的共性。黑人社区(black community)指的是黑人们(Blacks);商界(business community)指的是商人们(businessmen);同性恋圈子(homosexual community)指同性恋者们(homosexuals);情报界(intelligence community)指间谍们(spies);国际社会(international community),如果意味着什么的话,指的是其他国家、援助机构(other countries, aid agencies),有些时候也指一群国家(the family of nations)。

小心地使用语词。心脏问题(heartcondition)指心脏不好(bad heart);差点打不中(near miss)多半是差点打中(near hit);积极的想法(Positive thoughts)就是乐观(optimism),就像负面(negative)报告多半是批评(critical)报告。 行业行动(Industrial action)通常是行业没行动(industrial inaction)、行业扰乱(industrial disruption)或者罢工(strike)。礼节性拜访(courtesy call)通常是促销邀请(sales offer)又或者是不请自来(uninvited visit);基本完成的(substantially finished)桥是没有建完的(unfinished)桥;拥有众所周知的名字( high name-recognition)的人是名人(well known)。有可靠性问题(reliability problems)的东西其实不能用(does not work)。如果说你面对着现场观众(live audience),那想想你可能面对死的(dead)观众吗?

总的来说,要简明。想乏味就什么也不要去掉——伏尔泰说。所以,要经济地用词。Sydney Smith说,“在你写完的句子里,每隔一个就划掉一个词。”Raymond Mortimer在评论Susan Sontag的时候说得更干脆:“她的新闻报道就像钻石,切割后会更耀眼。”





数性增长(exponential)”。如果要用肯定行为(affirmative action)或者公司治理( corporate governance),你必须解释清楚它们是什么。往往,在解释的过程中你会发现不需要用这些术语了。

两件事一定不能做:用术语来使本来无聊的事情显得重要;用术语来混淆事实,比如说把平民伤亡叫作附带损失(collateral damage) 。

不要用外来词,除非在母语里确实没有替代。每年要说per year,而不是per annum,人均要说per person,而不是per capita。等等。


不要用太多俚语 (例如:他1994年一举成名。 He really hit the big time in1994)。如同隐喻,俚语只有偶尔使用才有效果。

要避免只有新闻记者才用的表达方式,比如,向人竖大拇指(the thumbs up), 大拇指朝下(the thumbs down),或者绿灯(green light)。不要用工作轻闲优厚gravy trains,也不要用步步为营说战术(salami tactics),不要说这一类(the likes of)。要避免用丑陋或用得太多的表达,比如底线(the bottomline)、高调(high profile)。


不要让读者预测到你的遣词,特别不要让他们预测准到令人感到滑稽。所以,写政府部门的时候,不要用大人物这个词;写英国上院的时候,不要用阁下们(their lordships)这个词;分析共产党的时候,不要用同志(comrades)这个词。难道每个草坪都整齐得像修过指甲一样(manicured)?难道每个毒贩都非得是男爵(barons)?

总要清新行文。老用新闻腔使文章没有生气。日报记者有个缺点,由于没有时间炼字,他们习惯于用现成的、用过无数次(seventh-hand)的表达。懒惰的记者觉得下面的句子很舒服:产油(oil-rich)国A,在病中的(ailing)总统 B治下,有在位多年的强人(long-serving strongman),据坊间传闻(chattering classes),是一名狡诈的政治作手(wilypolitical operator),所以当前局势不稳(uneasy peace)。在他最近作出分水岭式的(watershed,或者landmark,地标性的,又或者sea-change,巨大的)决定,逮捕首相 (于是蜜月结束,the honeymoon is over)后,分离出去(breakaway )的南部将掀起一场腥风血雨(bloody uprising)。类似地,偷懒的商业记者喜欢谈困境中的(troubled)公司C的问题,它是万向节行业革命(revolution)的牺牲品。接近内情的人士(well-placed insiders)预测这家公司将被一场成败在此一举的

(make-or-break)罢工撕裂,除非重量级人士者在马拉松式(marathon )谈判的最后一刻(11th-hour)介入。

行文不能有太多套路。”故事的开头通常是这样:“首先是好消息”(First the good news),那么肯定接下来会有“现在是坏消息(Now the bad news)。 然后会插入一段来自某位行业分析师(one industry analyst)的话,这句话里多半会有“假如,而且是个很重要的假如“( If,and it's a big if)。到文末的时候,假如作者承认自己不太明白发生了什么,那么至少“有一件事是肯定的”(One thing is certain), 最后则以"正如某人所说的那样“(As one wag put it)来结尾。


摘来,如遥远的桥 (bridges too far),帝国的反击(empires strikingback),更好更温柔(kinder, gentler),F打头的粗话(F-words),当月流行(flavours of the month),X世代(Generation X),理智与感情(hearts and minds),价值连城的问题($64,000 questions),southern discomfort(流行音乐唱片名,与一个百年烈酒品牌SouthernComfort相反),回到未来(back to the future),30多岁的人(thirty-somethings),机会之窗(windows of opportunity),牛肉在哪里,意指实质是什么?(where'sthe beef?)。


应对(address)。既然问题可以被回答 (answered), 议题可以被讨论(discussed),难题可以被解决(solved), 困验证可以被处理(dealt with),为什么要用应对(address)这个万能词汇呢?

照料(care for)以及所有用caring开头的短语。为什么不用look after呢? 社区、共同体(community)。如前面“去掉冗词”一节所述。




个体(individual)。在某些上下文中还可以,但越来越多地用于替代男人、女人和某人(man, woman or person),这就不对了。

海外(overseas)。用得越来越多,很多时候错误地用来指国外或外国。 参与(participate in)。何不用take part in?词的数量一样但音节少一些。




资源(resources)。太多用在人力资源(human resources)上了,其实不如直说职员、员工或者某人。

技巧(skills)。学习技巧、思考技巧、教育技巧,用得太滥了。技巧的意思就是能做某事(the ability to),说一个人有什么技巧不如直接说他能做什么。


目标(target)。说为你的努力定下目标(target your efforts),不如说将你的努力朝向(direct)什么。




