
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:17:57


It can be most fervent city for soccer in Japan.What is going to be proud of is that the soccer players they transfer to the league is much more than that of any other city in Japan.There are thirteen thousand soccer teams,which is approximately forty thousand players,and two league teams in the Shizuoka Soccer Association.

It is probabaly the city most fanatic about football in Japan. A feather is its cap is that Shizuoka has sent more players to League matches than any other city in this country. The Shizuoka Football Association supports about 40000 players, 1300 teams, among which were two League teams.

It may be the most enthusiastic city for football all over the Japan. Their pround is that the number of players from their leagure is more than any other city in Japan. There are about fourty thousand players totally registered in 1300 teams in Shizuoka Football Association and two league teams.

请看一下能不能用,如果不能用,请给我留言:t may be in Japan's most fanatical football city. To be proud of their league player transfer than Japan more than any other city. Shizuoka Football Association a total of 1300 of...


请看一下能不能用,如果不能用,请给我留言:t may be in Japan's most fanatical football city. To be proud of their league player transfer than Japan more than any other city. Shizuoka Football Association a total of 1300 of about 40000 teams players, there are two league teams.


请帮忙翻译这一小段它可能是全日本对足球最为狂热的城市了.值得骄傲的是他们为联赛输送的球员比日本其他任何一个城市都多.静冈足球协会共有1300个球队约四万名球员,有两支联赛球队. 帮忙翻译一小段英文. 帮忙翻译一小段话吧 英文 请帮忙写一小段话, 中国文化对日本传统文化的影响 总结一小段话! 请英文高手帮忙把这一小段文字翻译成英文,不要自动翻译的火车售票系统是一个C/S结构的管理系统,能够对车票进行出售,退回和改签操作;并能够根据需要增添,修改或删除车次和车票信息. 请帮忙翻译一下,谢谢.ap这是专门为日本开发设计的产品,该产品的功能比较齐全,但由于是全新产品,暂时只出售日本.同样,如果你对它感兴趣并确定下来,我们将为你开发英文版的电脑版和相关 一个数的近似值可能大于它本身,也可能小于或等于它本身,这句话对吗?一个数的近似值可能大于它本身,也可能小于它本身是对的,但它可能等于它本身吗?请朋友给予指点, 请英语高手帮忙翻译一小段话本文由旅游业的发展概况,引入到旅游业与目的地环境的关系;阐述发展旅游业对旅游环境的有利影响,而重点突出它对环境的破坏作用,针对这些现实性问题分析 请帮忙一小段话翻译~sometimes,the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy! 请帮忙翻译下 相信自己是最完美的 一英语谚语帮忙翻译 在线等apple and pear you and mepear也可能是orange强人帮忙,请不要乱猜 高分悬赏!麻烦请帮忙翻译这一小段文章!(英翻中)请勿使用翻译软体! 文章如下:Second, firms with greater levels of competitive equity influence industry standards, and their products often serve as product class standar 请帮忙翻译一下下面一小段话(中译英)谢谢,要求手工,谢绝在线,谢绝机译.背景是我在一提交了一份报告,没有回复,我询问一下. 就是下面一小段话 一般提交的报告要多长时间才会有回 英语翻译winning is not the main thing ,but it's the only thing请帮忙翻译上一句子,并简单说明解释的原因.翻译是成功不是最主要的事情,但是是最美好的事情。我想大家对这句话的意思进行证明,请 请帮忙翻译一小段英文,谢谢!http://photo.163.com/dannsaikou/big/#aid=222094410&id=6908507564图片用铅笔圈记的几句. 美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和日本的著名建筑物有哪些?还要中英文翻译,举一两个也无所谓,最要紧的是正确,请速回答, 英语翻译请高手们帮忙翻译一下几个日本的地名.急用kita-kuosakanakazato(知道做人名好象是 中里 的样子,)sansei(这个不知道是不是地名,也可能是人名之类的)急用