
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:32:57
根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空.“What_____a knife _____(make) of?""It ____ _____ (make)of metal and wood. 根据规定.公民全月工资.薪金所得不超过2000元的部分不必纳税.超过2000元的部分为全月应纳税所得额.此项税款按下表分队累积计算.全月应纳税所得额.税率%不超过500元的部分.5%超过500至2000元 初中英语中的缺词填空和适当形式填空分别考的是什么知识 缺词填空Dear Peter,I am g__1__to get your e_mail and very happy to lean more a_2__your life in the new school.Now I am busy l__3__a second language.I need to pratice s__4__it every day.Thank you for s__5_me the tape.I can read while listening.Wee fill in each blank with a word in the boxas,because,how,since,that,though,whenit has been years____jim came to this school.he started to learn chinese_____he was an junior 1.______he wanted to make friends with his classmates,he worked hard at chines 请帮我找20篇初中英语缺词填空新华书店只有完形填空、阅读理解、语法、词汇,就是没有找到缺词填空, 英语书P52页self check的2作文英语书P52页self check的2作文谢谢…………3Q英语书初二上学期 急(非常) 八年级下册英语作文第二单元self check的参考作文是回信的作文 能帮我 找找吗 Dear looking for help There are lots of thing you couid do .first.后面也怎么写啊 1.求f(x)=x平方-2ax+2在[2,4]上的最小值2.若函数f(x)=a*x平方-(3a-1)x+a平方在[1,正无限大)上为增函数,求a的取值范围3.设二次函数f(x)=x平方+ax+a 方程f(x)-x=0的两个根x1 x2满足 0小于x1小于x2小于1 求 已知A={(x,y)|x=-3+2,x∈N*},B={(x,y)|y=ax^2-x+3,x∈N*},是否存在唯一的非零整数a,使得A∩B≠∅,若存在求出a的值,若不存在,说明理由! 一道英语选择you needn't any help,-------you反义疑问句 一道高一数学题!今晚就要!三角形ABC中,sinA:sinB=根号2:1,c^2=b^2+根号2bc,则3个内角ABC的大小依次为 初中英语缺词填空,根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整.(每空一词) Do you like reading cartoon strips?Japanese cartoons always p_____86____ readers with a world of fantasy(梦幻).That (1)Some students have to get up early every morning on w_____ to get to school on time by bus or bike.(2)School and parents should cut down some of the homework so that their children can e______ not less than nine hours of sleep every night for 求初中英语缺词填空 1道英语选择哈~Explorer Christopher Columbus landed in America,but he thought he thought he ()the east indiaA.had discovered B.has discovered C.discovered D.was discovering 一道英语选择提---It's so kind of you to give me a ride to the station. ---_____________A. It doesn’t matter B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. Not at all. It’s a pleasure 求解析 已知f(1)=2.对于正整数n,f(n+1)=f(n)^2-f(n)+1.求证:1/f(1)+1/f(2)+ … +1/(n)一楼,但是如果把数列变成函数的话过程变成怎样?最好要图 高中数学函数定义证明,大致都懂,有些小地方不懂.比如这道题把,判断函数f(x)=-x^2+2x在(-∞,0)上是单调增函数还是单调减函数.并写出他的所有单调区间.设x1 已知曲线y=1/3x^2上一点P(2,8/3),求(1)点P处的切线的斜率(2)点P处的切线方程 以函数为主.1.高次函数的图像问题据我推理 若最高项的系数为正,次数为奇,那么左降右升.若最高项的系数为负,次数为奇,那么左降右升.若最高项的系数为正,次数为偶,那么左右升同理.负,.,那 经过(1,3)且在任意点处切线斜率为3x^2的曲线方程 在曲线y'=x^2-3x+2lnx的切线中,斜率最小的切线方程为 请教一道英语选择Do you know how much time and effort they devoted ____such a complicated project .A.to complete B.completed C.completing D.to completing到底是to do表目的还是devote sth to doing.纠结啊. 请教一道英语选择:谢谢!The newspapers___ against the ourtageous distortion of truth.a. exclaimed b.claimed c.squeaked d.yelled为什么选a. b为什么不可以?谢谢! 英语提问………………一道选择……How is the weather tomorrow?I don't know if it ( )tomorrowWell,if it ( ),I won't go for a picnicA will rain ;rainsB rains,rains 【请教】一道英语选择They sang songs by the campfire.They sang songs ____the campfire.A.close B.near C.besides D.at请问前辈选哪个合适?困惑于A B 请教一道英语选择哈2.The streets had been _____before the parade begun.A swept clean B swept cleanly C sweeping thorough D sweeping thoroughly..呵呵 但是我很自然的选择了B 该怎么解呢? 用配凑法求函数解析式f(x)=x-1/x+1,则f(x)+f(1/x)=希望能写得详细点, 此题求函数解析式,若用配凑法,怎么解 方程3x-1.6=0.8的解是 求函数解析式时配凑法技巧有什么?好像有些题只能用配凑法耶